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After lunch, Donghyuck told his mom that he and Mark will go to the mall which she agreed.

They planned this to be their first date as (kinda) boyfriends since they're not yet official. Just strolling, exploring the mall, and buying all kinds of stuff. They first went to the department store.

"What clothes do you want Hyuckiepie?" Mark asked as Donghyuck blushed at his pet name.

"Did you have to call me from our cellphone names?" Donghyuck asked as Mark giggled.

"Fine, I want to buy a jacket and some undies Markiepoo. Most of my underwear at home doesn't fit anymore." Donghyuck blushed while saying the word undies.

"Okay let's go Hyuckie," Mark said as Donghyuck nodded and went I buy a jacket and some undies.


"Mark let's go to the cinema! I want to watch this movie." Donghyuck excitedly said as he pointed his finger to the said movie which made Mark raise his eyebrow.

"Frozen 2? Are you sure? But that's for children!" Mark asked as Donghyuck punched his shoulder lightly.

"Does it matter? You're never late for being a child, even though we're  almost adults!" Donghyuck pouted and Mark chuckled at the younger's actions.

"I'm just kidding Hyuckie. Of course, we can watch Frozen 2. I've already watched the first movie so I want to know what happens next." Mark said which made Donghyuck leap in excitement.

"Okay let's go, Mark! We still have time since the next schedule is 30 minutes." Donghyuck said as he pulled the older with him.

They bought two tickets and also a large popcorn with two sodas as they went in and waited until the movie starts. They held hands for the entire movie, sparing glances occasionally and smiling as they watched the movie.


"That was a great movie!" Donghyuck said as Mark agreed. The 2nd movie seems to be darker and more complex than the 1st one according to him.

"Agreed. Anyways, do you wanna buy ice cream? I saw Baskin-Robbins over there." Mark said as he pointed his finger to where the ice cream shop is.

"Okay, I'm craving ice cream anyways," Donghyuck said as both guys went to the ice cream shop.

Donghyuck picked mint chocolate while Mark picked chocolate.

"You like mint chocolate?"

"Hey don't judge me! I like its unique taste okay?" Donghyuck pouted as Mark giggled.


They went outside and sat on a bench to eat.

"I decided to break up with Koeun on Monday." Mark decided to break the silence, making Donghyuck stop eating his ice cream.

"Are you okay? Would you tell her about us?"

"No, I'm not gonna drag you into this mess. I just don't feel any spark between us. You're the one I like, not her." Mark said as Donghyuck blushed at the older's statement.

"I hope she'll take it well. She's just creeping me out." Donghyuck said as Mark held his hand.

"Don't worry. This is the right thing to do. Everything will be alright." Mark reassured as he held his hand tighter.

"I hope so too," Donghyuck said as they both hugged each other.

Everything will be alright. I know it will be.

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