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Ever since the two confessed to each other, their bonds have become even stronger and more unbreakable. Every time Koeun is not around, they spend each other's time alone as much as possible.

It's Saturday, and Mark is cuddling with Donghyuck while watching a movie.

"Mark, is it okay if I tell Jaemin about us?" Donghyuck asked as he looked at the older's face, looking serious.

"Well if it's only him, I'm cool with that."

"It's only him alright. I'm not ready to come out of the closet with you, you know." Donghyuck giggled which made Mark smile at his cuteness.

"What about Koeun? We can't be in a relationship unless you'll break up with her." Donghyuck cautiously said as Mark's smile disappeared.

"I know, I know. I feel like I'm cheating on her and it's making me guilty. I just want to confront her immediately but you don't know her Hyuckie." Mark frowned as Donghyuck tilted his head in confusion.

"She's not just rich, she's also dangerous and manipulative. She'll do anything to get what she wants. No one dares to fight with her. I heard that she even digs her enemies' secrets and uses them as blackmail to control her foes." Mark warned as Donghyuck shuddered at what the older just said.

"We can call the police or the principal! At least if we clarify this properly to them, she'll be expelled and even end up in jail." Donghyuck said, very nervous for the both of them.

Mark noticed that the younger was trembling. He closed the movie and turned off the tv to comfort Donghyuck.

"I'm here baby. I'll protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you, especially that woman. I'll think of something so we can break up without dragging you into this Hyuckie. I promise we'll be together after all this mess has been sorted." Mark gently said as he caress Donghyuck's hair and he fell asleep on the older's touch.

20 minutes later, both guys were awakened by Donghyuck's mom to eat lunch.


"So, how was your dear Mark dear?" Donghyuck's mom, Linda asked while the three eat lunch.

"I'm fine, auntie. Our friendship is still strong as ever." Mark smiled as he looked at Donghyuck, also smiling.

"That's good to know. I hope your friendship will last long." Linda said while clapping her hands in satisfaction as Mark and Donghyuck looked at each other.

If only you knew

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