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A month has passed. Sembreak ends as the second semester begins.

After their beach house vacation, Donghyuck and Mark spend the rest of the month with each other as much as they can. Whether they go somewhere having a date and they just stay at each other's home, cuddling and being intimate whenever their parents were not home.

"let's go Hyuckie," Mark said as Donghyuck double-check his belongings and entered the older's car.

Their bond as soulmates has become stronger day by day ever since they went to the beach house with their friends. Both decided to go to school and leave the school together as often as they can if they don't have conflicting schedules.

20 minutes later, they arrived at school. Mark parked his car and went outside first as they don't want anyone to know about their relationship. They both decided to keep their relationship with them and their closest friends which are Jaemin, Jeno, Renjun, Chenle, and Jisung.

The couple also restrained themselves from hand holding as they enter the school. At school, they're bestfriends but at home, alone or with their friends, they're boyfriends.

"Good luck Hyuckie." Mark smiled as Donghyuck smiled back at the older. "Good luck too, Markie."

Both guys sent each other a last look before going in their separate ways.


"Hi, guys!" Donghyuck waved as he seat at their usual spot in the cafeteria with the group.

"Hello, hyungs! I missed you all." Jisung said as everyone greeted each other like there was no tomorrow.

"So, how's everybody?" Chenle asked while everyone eats their lunch.

"Jaemin, Jeno, and I were spending time together as often as we can. We don't want one of us to be left out." Renjun chuckled as Jeno and Jaemin laughed.

"Yeah, my babies were so clingy but I don't mind. I like the fact that they're so affectionate." Jeno said as he held both guys' hands under the table.

"That's because we love each other." Jaemin grinned at his two boyfriends as he looked at Donghyuck. "By the way, where's Mark?

"He texted me. He said that he won't be able to eat with us as he was called by the student government, since he's the treasurer." Donghyuck sighed. It's the first day of school and his boyfriend is now busy.

"Aww, that sucks. That's why I don't join any student organizations. Academics alone are too much for me." Jaemin said as the rest of the group agreed.

The group had a pleasant and happy conversation until Jisung noticed someone.

"Umm hyungs, look over there." Jisung said as Donghyuck and the group followed were the youngest pointed with his finger.

Donghyuck's face paled as he saw a familiar face.


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