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Another day at the school. Donghyuck waits for Mark since his last classes finished earlier than him.

After what Jaemin said, he concluded to do his idea. It's not probably the best idea but it would him confess to Mark.

30 minutes later, Mark's last classes are already done. He walked out of the building and saw Donghyuck on the bench waiting for him.

"Did you wait for me Hyuckie? How long did you stay here?" Mark asked as he took a seat beside him.

"We always wait for each other Markie you know that. Besides, it's not that long. I'm only seating here for like 30 minutes." Donghyuck smiled as he hold Mark's hand, intertwining his hand with the older's which makes Mark surprised at the younger's action but decided to ignore it.

"Okay, Hyuckie. Before we go home, let's go to the library first. I need to return the book I borrowed a week ago." Mark said, holding the book he borrowed from the library.

Donghyuck nodded and both guys stand up and walked to the library.


After going to the library, Mark suggested going to a local restaurant and Donghyuck agreed, walking with their hands still locked together.

As they reached their destination, Mark ordered Kimbap while Donghyuck ordered Kimchi. While they are waiting for their food, Mark noticed that Donghyuck has gotten a lot clingier, holding hands the whole time, hugging him occasionally, and even kissing his cheeks out of nowhere which makes the older confused.

"Donghyuck, I to ask you something," Mark said, which makes Donghyuck stopped from focusing on his phone.

"What is it, Markie?" Donghyuck nervously asked as he saw Mark's serious face.

"You know we're bestfriends right? We've been very close not just emotionally but also physically. I just noticed you've been clingier than usual. Not that I'm uncomfortable or complaining, but I'm just curious about it you know. Is there something wrong?" Mark asked, looking at obviously nervous Donghyuck.

"I just love being close to you Markie, you're kind and considerate to me. You're smart and help me with my homework and school activities. The least I can do is be clingy." Donghyuck said nervously, looking at Mark who's looking straight at his eyes which makes Donghyuck feel weak.

Why are so hot Mark?

"Oh, I'm happy you said that. I don't mind if you're being this clingy. You're like a happy pill to me." Mark chuckled and smiled warmly.

"Oh thank God, I thought you were uncomfortable and tired with me doing these kinds of things." Donghyuck said, relieved that he didn't make it awkward between them.

Mark smiled and 10 minutes later, their orders arrived.

Both ate in comfortable silence, neither wants to talk as they were in deep thought, with Donghyuck thinking about his feelings for the older while Mark thought about how clingy Donghyuck is which made him smile.

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