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The young couple went for a sleepover at the older's house. They plan to tell to Mark's house next.

When they confessed the truth to Mark's mother Jihyo, they did not expect her reaction.

"I knew it! You two are dating!" Jihyo squealed as she hugged both boys.

"You knew mom? But how?" Mark asked, wondering at how his mom know about it.

"I just noticed dear. You two are too obvious, too lovey-dovey, and too touchy to be just bestfriends." Jihyo giggled as both boys blushed at their obviousness.

The boys hugged their mom again before eating dinner and went to the older's room.


The two boys were playing video games when suddenly he saw Donghyuck cry.

"What's wrong, Hyuckie? Didn't you like the game? We can change it if you want to." Mark said as he caress the younger's strands.

"That's not about it Markie. I'm crying because I'm happy that both our parents love and accept us so much. It's rare to have such supporting parents these days." Donghyuck readily said as he hugged Mark for comfort.

"I'm happy to Hyuckie. I'm glad we have such good parents." Mark smiled as he continues to hug the younger.


A day passed, and both boys decided to just chill on Sunday.  They video called their friends to tell them the good news.

"Hey, Jaemin- oh! You're with Lele?" Donghyuck asked as he saw Jaemin with Jeno and Renjun in a fancy living room. He assumed they were at Chenle's mansion.

"Hi, Donghyuck! Yeah, we're at Chenle's home. We decided to visit him since it's we want to hang out with him. Oh, and his boyfriend Jisung is also here."  Jaemin said as Donghyuck heard the background sound which seems to be Jeno and Renjun arguing.

"Okay, we're planning to visit Chenle too since we have to tell you guys personally some good news." Donghyuck smiled as he hold Mark's hand.

"Great! I'm about to tell you to go here too!" Jaemin smiled as the arguing in the background became clearer and louder.

"I told you babe, we should've put more seasonings. It's bland!" The voice exclaimed which seems to belong to Jeno.

"If you didn't confuse me babe, then this would've happened!" Another voice which seems to be Renjun roared through the call, making Jaemin facepalm in embarrassment.

"I have to go, my boyfriends were arguing too much. We'll wait for you guys! Bye!" Jaemin said waving at the camera.

"Okay, Jaemin. We'll be there as soon as possible. Goodbye too!" Donghyuck and Mark waved as he hang up the call.

"It must've been tough to be in a three-way relationship huh?" Mark asked curiously as Donghyuck nodded.

"Yeah, but I'm happy that those three love each other equally." Donghyuck giggled as Mark hugged him.

"And you Hyuckie is the only one I love." Mark said as Donghyuck blushed.

"And you're the only one I love too, Markie." Donghyuck said as they continued the hug.

"Now let's go, we don't them to keep waiting don't you baby?" Mark asked as Donghyuck blushed at the pet name.

"We shall, baby." Donghyuck smiled as the two told Jihyo they were going to Chenle, leaving the house as they hold hands.

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