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"Hello, Mark. Koeun," Donghyuck said teeth gritting as he saw the girl.

"Hey Hyuckie, how are you today?"  Mark asked smiling which made Donghyuck's heart flutter.

"That's good to hear." The two guys continued smiling until Koeun interrupted their seemingly intimate moment.

"Hello, Donghyuck and his random friends!" Koeun said, putting on her fake smile which made Jaemin gag.

"Excuse me, we have names girl." Chenle sassily said with hands on his hips, clearly annoyed with her attitude.

"Well excuse me too since I don't know you people." Koeun rolled her eyes as she snaked her arms around Mark's, making him uncomfortable.

"Anyways, Mark has something to tell you guys," Koeun said as she motioned Mark to speak.

"No, you tell them, babe," Mark said annoyingly, and Koeun just rolled her eyes.

"We're engaged! Can't you believe it? He's now my fiance. I'm so happy!" Koeun announced which made everyone shocked.

Donghyuck lowered his head, Mark looked away from her, Jaemin blinked rapidly still can't believe what she just said. Jeno and Renjun shifted uncomfortably, both holding Jaemin to prevent him from attacking the girl. Chenle dropped his jaws in disgust while Jisung doesn't know what to do with the information.

"Anyways, we gotta go. We only went here to the cafeteria to bring you guys good news. Let's go, babe. I want to eat at this expensive restaurant on our date." Koeun said as she pulled Mark away, mouthing Donghyuck an apology until they were out of sight.

The group was still silent. Too stunned to speak and too astonished to do anything until Jaemin broke the silence.

"That bitch is crazy. I want to strangle her." Jaemin said, clearly very mad while his boyfriends were calming him down.

"Calm down babe, we don't any attention, especially since we're in the cafeteria," Renjun said and Jeno nodded as both guys massaged Jaemin's arm.

"That went well. Are you okay hyung?" Jisung asked as the rest of the guys looked at him with concern.

"I'm okay guys. I did promise myself to stop crying and be emotionally stronger. Besides, I have you guys." Donghyuck said, grinning as the guys were also smiling.

"Mark does seem uncomfortable. Why would you propose to someone you've only known for three weeks? That's suspicious anyways." Chenle said as the rest nodded in approval.

"Yeah, they're moving way too fast if you ask me. Like Mark was forced by Koeun." Jaemin said, still unhappy with what happened earlier.

"I'm pretty sure that Marks likes you way more than Koeun, Donghyuck," Jeno said as Renjun was about to say something too. "Yeah, all of us guys support Markhyuck."

"Markhyuck?" Donghyuck asked, clearly confused at the word.

"Mark plus Donghyuck equals Markhyuck, hyung," Jisung said as Donghyuck blushed at the ship name.

"Koeun is dangerous. If she tries to do something bad to him, I won't hesitate to take him away from her." Donghyuck announced which made the group cheer in excitement.

Donghyuck was determined to win Mark back from that girl's clutches.

Mark, I won't give up on you. This is only the beginning.

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