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Donghyuck's face is pale as snow as he saw the picture. It garnered 6k reactions. Most of them are laughing emojis.

Who could've done this? How did they know we were at the beach? It's private property.

Donghyuck texted Jaemin, telling him to talk about this during lunch with their friends which the latter agreed. After that, he now prepares for school and waited for Mark.

Donghyuck entered the older's car, clearly nervous about how to tell him.

"Um Mark, did you see something on social media?" Donghyuck asked while the older is driving.

"Oh! I haven't checked my social media for the last two days! My phone fell on the toilet because it slipped out of my hand while I was flushing it." Mark flushed in embarrassment as Donghyuck mentally facepalmed.

"How about at your laptop?"

"The motherboard was destroyed as I accidentally dropped it from the 2nd floor." Mark even turned redder as Donghyuck facepalmed literally.

"Are you really that clumsy!?" Donghyuck exclaimed, surprising the older.

"Woah chill! What happened to you Donghyuck? Did you have a bad day?" Mark asked in concern as Donghyuck shook his head.

"Nothing, I'm sorry. It's just you didn't reply or call me for the last 2 days." Donghyuck half lied. That explains why he's not replying or calling him.

"Oh yeah, I'm really sorry about that Hyuckie. Tell you what, since the pay from my part-time job is tomorrow, I'll be able to buy a new phone and fix my laptop." Mark smiled as he kissed the younger's cheek.

"I'm sorry too Markie. Guess the stress is getting to me." Donghyuck smiled as he kissed him back.

The two went in comfortable silence as Donghyuck was fidgeting.


"Donghyuck, tell our friends I won't be able to again the lunch again. Student government duties. I'm sorry Hyuckie."

"It's okay Markie. See you later." Donghyuck said as he waved to the older until he was out of sight.

While he was walking to his class, he noticed that people were staring at him. He walked faster until he reached to the classroom.

As he entered the classroom, his classmates were staring at him. He ignored it but deep down he was a nervous wreck.

"Hey Donghyuck, is this you?" Donghyuck looked at the person who asked him. It's Jungwoo, his closest friend in the class.

"It's not me Jungwoo, it's probably edited," Donghyuck said as Jungwoo somewhat agreed with him. "If someone's framing you. I'm just right here to you help you." Jungwoo smiled.

"Thanks, Jungwoo." Donghyuck smiled back as Jungwoo nodded and returns to his seat.

The stares continue to bother him until the teacher arrived and started the class, which Donghyuck did not listen to because he was bothered by the viral photo.

Who did it? What's their motive? Why would they do this?

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