Remember the past

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Cassie sat on her small twin sized bed staring in awe at a round projector disk that sat in the center of her palm. Soft blue light washed over the walls of her bare room, a tiny projection of All Might smiling up at her almost as if he was actually looking at her with pride instead of just being a pre recorded video message.

She had got in! She was now an official student at U.A High school for young heroes. Ray would be over the moon when she heard about this. But Cassie had to wonder how? How had she gotten in when she hadn't yet taken the entrance exam?

Her question was soon answered by the loud booming voice of All Might " Fox! I would like to officially welcome you to U.A, due to a very impressive recommendation from Amu-" someone off camera seemed to pull All Might off screen whispering being picked up by the projectors audio mic but Cassie couldn't make out what was being said.

After a second All Might pops back up into frame his smile seeming now somewhat strained. " Apologies Fox I have been informed that your sponsor would like to remain anonymous." Cassie tuned out the rest of his speech if there was anything important that she was missing she could always just replay the video.

Unless it was like one of those secret messages in a spy movie in which case the hologram would probably blow up in her face at any moment. Just to be safe Cassie moved the projector farther away from herself.

The door of her room burst open and a horde of children led by a rather tall girl with long fluffy dark blue hair, dark skin, and piercing ruby red eyes rush towards Cassie, who instinctively hunched over on her bed. Ray stood in front of Cassie, her hands placed on her hips, long sharp nails glinting in the holographs light.

" Did you get in?" Ray asked voice stiff and monotone although Cassie knew that her best friend was genuinely interested, she just didn't show it very well. Cassie nodded her head her light pink hair bouncing with her head movements.

Ray raised a fist in the air letting out a loud " fuck yeah!" Which caused Cassie to burst out into a fit of laughter. One of their foster system care takers, Lena to be exact rushed in seconds later to scold Ray for cursing in front of the group of kids also in Cassies room.

Ray rolled her eyes furrowing her brow ever so slightly before using her quirk to shove the kids out of the room. Closing the door behind her Ray jumped on her bed which was placed across from Cassie's on the left side of the room quickly making her long dragon tail disappear.

" So your going to be in 1A? " Ray asked. She herself was a third year student of U.A though unlike her small best friend she had been through all the previous class levels and was now in her final year. Seeing as she was about two years older than Cassie it made sense. Cassie nodded her head tossing Ray the hologram disc and Ray made a noise of approval setting it down on their shared desk.

" Do think you'll get you're memories back?" Ray asked looking at her nails knowing how the topic rubbed Cassie the wrong way. " I don't know Ray, I'm missing six years of my life and somehow any and all records of my existence before my sixth birthday just don't exist." Cassie grumbled angrily.

Ray hummed in response. " Well hey at least maybe you'll run into Endeavors kid at U.A, he's bound to go there." Cassie blushed and sighed " he hasn't come back to volunteer, he only showed up for about five months... and plus its been been like ten years now. There's no way he would remember me and besides I myself hardly remember him."

Sitting up Ray stuck out her tongue. " Boy has red and white hair plus heterochromia how hard could it be to find him?" Ray asked incredulously, rolling her eyes. " Not to mention he's the son of the number mother fucking two hero!" Ray added raising her voice for extra emphasis.

" yeah yeah I know, I wonder why he stopped visiting?" Cassie asked to nobody in particular, it wasn't as if Ray knew anymore than she did. Ray sighs before she shoots her best friend a wide toothy grin. " It's whatever, come on we need to pack our bags."

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