Extra 8- Class reunion

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Cassie opened the door to her old classroom excited to catch up with all of her friends who were now pro heroes. Todoroki followed close behind her, glancing around quietly. The pinkette squealed happily upon being greeted by her old classmates almost instantly being swarmed in a group hug.

" Oh my gosh guys, how have you been? It's been forever!" She gushed jumping up and down clasping hands with Momo Yayarozu and Mina Ashido who were her two closest friends in the class along with Uraraka who hadn't arrived yet.

Momo chuckled, patting the pinkette's shoulder after the three girls broke apart. " We saw each other like a week ago Cassie." She commented with a smile gracing her cherry red tinted lips. Cassie rolled her eyes, playfully swatting at her friend. " This is a reunion we're supposed to act like we haven't seen each other in years." she chided the black haired woman.

Mina who stood by her side nodded along with her elf-like friend, placing her hands on her hips. " Yeah that's how reunions work Momo we can't let everyone here feel jealous because we hung out without them." Cassie sniggered at Mina's comment, rolling her wide green eyes and sticking her tongue out at the two girls.

Uraraka dashed into the room with Izuku waving enthusiastically to her classmates. " Ochako!" Cassie gasped as she was tackled in a hug by the brunette as the two toppled to the ground laughing. " Cassie san, oh my goodness I missed you so much!" the woman gushed, helping the pinkette back to her feet.

" It really has been awhile since we've talked, it seems like the only time we do is over the phone." Cassie pouted dusting off her skirt that she was wearing before beaming up at her friend. Across the room Todoroki conversed with his former classmates glancing over at his wife from time to time.

Kirishima slung his arm over the dual haired man's shoulder, smirking like a mad man. " My manly man out here with a wife and kid, how's it feel to be the first one in the class to get married?'' he asked, watching in amusement as Todoroki sidestepped the red headed hero. He was never really big on extended physical touch unless it were Cassie, his daughter or his close friends.

" Cassie is a wonderful wife and Shizuka takes after her in almost every way." Todoroki stated his voice monotone as usual only giving away the barest hint of how proud he actually felt. Izuku was quick to jump into the conversation, bouncing excitedly on the balls of his feet. " She developed her quirk already, right? What is it? Do you have a name for it? Was it one of the quirks Fox san and I theorized about?" The green haired man bombarded his stoic friend with questions until he was interrupted by the sound of Todoroki clearing his throat.

" Ice flowers." he stated simply once more looking over at Cassie who was bouncing around the room with Ashido and Uraraka while Yayarozu filmed them with a small smile on her face. " She can create flowers of ice, cold enough to cause frostbite." Izuku's eyes sparkled as he grabbed a piece of paper out of his pocket along with a pencil as he gestured for the man in front of him to keep talking.

Cassie showed off her ring to her classmates who made oohing and aahing noises. She shrieked as she felt arms wrapping around her waist and lifting her into the air unexpectedly. " Mon Ami, it's so good to see you, my friend!" a voice shouted excitedly into Cassie's pointed ear making her wince at the loud noise.

Todoroki frowned but let Cassie be, he knew that Aoyama was only her friend. She had been there for him after the aftermath of the war, lifting his spirits and bringing him back into the hero course with a lot of persuasion. So it was no wonder why the blonde man was so attached to the pinkette.

Cassie gasped flinging her arms around the flamboyant man's shoulders crushing him in a hug. " Yuga! Oh my goodness how have you been? Is your family still okay?" Cassie asked, shaking the man back and forth which was a comical sight due to him being twice her height. Most of the former students of class 1A were taller than her sadly, besides Mineta.

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