Running from Bakugo

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" Shit, shit, shit, holy fucking shit this is it, this is how I die!" Cassie chanted as she booked it down the heights alliance hallway as fast as her legs could take her. She had been watering her plants outside when bakugo's loud voice scared her so badly that she instinctively lobbed the watering can in the direction of the noise.

The watering can had smacked her classmate in the face and spilled cold water all over him and now Cassie was running for her life. " Fox you get your ass back here!" The blonde screamed enraged and Cassie cringed at the sound of several large explosions, clearly an intimidation tactic.

This kind of situation was pretty normal in the class 1A dormitory, Aizawa had long since stopped trying to regulate when and where the students could be letting them roam around freely with the promise of not breaking anything. That meant that chaos was always an option and thus bakugo was often losing his temper and causing a scene.

Cassie however had yet to be on the tail end of his rage as she tended to avoid the explosive teen as much as she possibly could, he was way too hostile and violent for her liking. Cassie tripped over her feet flailing her arms for a few seconds before regaining her balance and continuing to flee the scene. She was a floor below her dorm. If she could just make it to her side of the building, Bakugo would probably leave her alone, right?

Wrong, Bakugo had no qualms about invading the girls side of the building when he had but one goal on his mind and that goal was payback. Cassie pressed her back against her dorm room door panting heavily. Ray looked up from where she was studying at Cassie's desk, she spent more time in Cassie's dorm than her own at this point.

" What's going on, why are you out of breath?'' The blue haired girl asked, raising an eyebrow in slight concern. Cassie took a few deep breaths trying to calm her racing heartbeat. " I may have set off a bomb." the pinkette whispered glancing at her door then back to her friend in worry.

Ray groaned quickly picking up on what her smaller friend was trying to tell her. " Please tell me you didn't piss off Bakugo?'' Ray groaned running her hands through her hair in distress, she really hated that loud blonde boy. If he weren't so angry maybe he would be a little more tolerable but alas that was not the case.

Loud banging on Cassie's hardwood door made the poor girl jump back away from the door in surprise. " Is that who I think it is?'' Ray asked, getting to her feet and making her way next to Cassie, her hands splayed across her hips, long hair bouncing with each stride.

" I think you already know the answer." Cassie replied with a small gulp. Not but a few seconds later her door slammed open to reveal a particularly upset teen. Bakugo stormed into the room with small explosions crackling in his palms as he scowled down at Cassie who backed away hands in front of her chest placatingly. " Ray help!'' Cassie shrieked but her friend just went back to her desk to finish up some homework.

" Sorry Cassie but I'm sure you've got this handled.'' Ray waved a hand dismissively, a smile tugging at her lips. Cassie did not in fact have things handled. She spent the next half hour avoiding attack after attack from her angry classmate before Aizawa stepped in sending the blonde to his room.

Cassie slumped onto her bed with a sigh, throwing a glare at her best friend who was still seated in her desk chair, only now she was eating a plate full of steak, utensils and all.

" Thanks for the help Ray." Cassie grumbled sarcastically, sticking her tongue out in Ray's direction. The blue haired girl chuckled, swallowing a bite of her steak before giving her best friend a equally sarcastic " Any time Cassie.'' 




You have reached the end of Chasing a Memory arc two of three! 

Thank you so much for reading my story and I want to give a special shoutout to my best friend in the entire world for encouraging me to write this fic! My instagram is xx_sakura_arts_xx there you can check out weekly posts and previews for upcoming chapters along with some occasional polls lol.

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