Ice ice baby

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Ice covered the ground in a thick translucent blue sheen, crunching under Cassie's feet with each step. The girl shivered watching her breath fan out in front of her as if she were a dragon breathing smoke.

A strong sense of unease enveloped the girl as she paused to stare at yet another villain frozen solid in a block of ice. If the ice didn't thaw soon they would surely die of frostbite. Cassie couldn't help but feel bad for the villains who were slowly freezing to death, after all she herself knew how painful freezing could be.

She had a hunch as to who's quirk had done this and if she were correct she would probably have to ask him to have mercy on the enemy. If only Cassie could count on the boy even listening to her in the first place.

He had made it clear he wanted nothing to do with her. Cassie was still very upset from their conversation but she couldn't let it get in the way of her mission. Yes these people may have attacked her and her classmates but she was willing to bet that most were coerced into it, communism was a bitch.

Nobody became a villain without reason, whether that reason be family, revenge or even money. Cassie normally tended to find ways to humanize the villains she was fighting against because that's exactly what they were, innately human.

They were living breathing people with thoughts and feelings just like her. The only difference was that life had dealt them a bad hand. All humans were flawed in nature and it was her job as an aspiring hero to try and protect them, whether they were good or bad she never wanted them to die. Well unless they were completely beyond redemption, there were some people who not even Cassie could sympathize with.

After a bit of searching she found Shoto standing above a cowering villain begging for mercy. His left hand was poised only mere inches away from the villain's face and he was saying something Cassie couldn't quite hear from where she was standing.

" Sh- I mean Todoroki! " her voice echoed off the large shafts of ice littering the field catching the boys attention almost instantaneously. His head shot up, eyes locking with hers and for a second Cassie thought she saw an expression of relief wash over his beautiful features.

But his face dropped back into a mask of calm emotionless facade just as fast, she had probably just hallucinated his expression changing, the cold was definitely getting to the poor girls head. Todoroki narrowed his eyes, silently glaring down the pinkette for interrupting him. " Stay out of this Fox." his voice low and smooth like butter.

Cassie sighed swiftly making her way to the dual haired boy's side gently pushing him out of the way. She heard him make a few noises of protest but paid him no mind kneeling down on the frozen ground to be face to face with a terrified villain, now was the perfect time to start plan E. Todoroki being present to witness said plan was only a minor set back but there was no time to think of anything else.

She plastered a large warm smile on her face giving the villain a small wave. " Hiya there sir. Sorry about my fri- er um classmate, he's going to kinda be like the bad cop to my good cop." Cassie explained feigning an air of friendliness to try and coerce the villain into talking. 

If Todoroki was already here she might as well incorporate him into her current intimidation mission that she hoped would get the villain to answer some questions that had been nagging at her since she had landed in the landslide zone.

It seemed to be working so Cassie was quick to continue. " Now I really don't wanna take up too much of your time, I'm sure being stuck in ice is very entertaining but..." she paused, glancing over at Shoto who seemed to actually be interested in what she was doing.

The two made eye contact and Cassie blushed facing the villain again yelling at herself silently for being distracted by the heteroaromatic boy for even a split second, clearing her throat and dropping her smile, Cassie's wide green eyes narrowing ever so slightly bringing an air of subtle danger to her otherwise not very scary self, She had always been very good at expressing emotions through her facial features.

" But I'm kinda in a hurry to find my friends so how bout you be a dear and tell me which direction leads to the center of this training field because if you don't I won't hesitate to strangle the life out of you pathetic body, Sho- Todoroki will be the least of your worries."

Cassie's demeanor changed again once her threat had been fully registered and the villain readily complied, after asking a few more questions and getting all the information she needed Cassie was back to her normal sunshine and rainbows, as if she hadn't just threatened someone's wellbeing.

She couldn't see it because her back was to him but Shoto was surprised by her words and overall effective interrogation methods. She had always been like this but it had been so long since he had properly seen her.

So focused, so very determined to do the right thing, to save people. Even if she were scared she hid it well under a mask of confidence and a wide bright smile. The girl's body was poised to jump into action at any moment whether it be to help or to fight. She was ready, a true hero in the making, She was beautiful, so very beautiful.

The familiar pangs of adoration and love pried at Shoto's heart prodding and poking at it, demanding to be recognized but he couldn't allow himself to get sidetracked. He had a goal, and she was not part of it. Or at least that's what he told himself at that moment. She meant nothing to him, absolutely nothing. 

But oh how very wrong he was.

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