Preparing for the attack

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" Originally tomorrow was supposed to be our deadline for when Shigaraki would have his perfect body, but Star and Stripe left us with a parting gift, more time." Allmight told class 1A in a somber tone. Cassie bit her lip at the realization that one of the hero's she had admired was now dead. Too many lives were being lost; they had to do something quick.

Earlier that day after a week of rest the class had been informed that the US was sending backup to help the heroes in their fight and things had been looking up, unfortunately things went south just as fast. " He will be out of commission for at the very least another week." Allmight continued trying to bring back some morale in the students.

Later on after being relocated with the rest of her class to a fortress looking building that was oh so lovingly being called Troy, Cassie had found her way to the building's gym with the goal of working on her punches. Left and right she decked the practice dummy as hard as she could, eventually letting her anger get the better of her, punching the poor thing so hard it snapped off its chain and crashed to the ground at her feet.

Sighing in defeat, Cassie grabbed her bottle of water that sat on a nearby bench with a towel that she used to wipe away the sweat on her brow, kicking the destroyed practice dummy into the ever growing pile near the storage closet.

Todoroki cleared his throat, leaning up against the doorframe with a small smile on his face. " You should leave some of those for our classmates to use." He suggested, pushing himself away from the door and making his way over to the pinkette.

Cassie blushed, throwing her towel at the boy's face playfully. He snatched it out of the air and folded the cloth back up, placing it over the short girl's head much to her annoyance. " Maybe it's time to take a break since you've been in here for hours."

Todoroki wrapped his arms around her waist lifting Cassie off the ground and hoisting her over his shoulder intending to bring her to the kitchen to get her some food. Cassie gently smacked his back in protest but all she got in return was a calm hum from her boyfriend's chest that reverberated through her body making the hair on her arms rise at the sound.

" If you insist on staying while I do my workout you can assist in my pushups." Todoroki offered to put Cassie back down by the door peering down at her his eyes crinkling in amusement. Cassie nodded her head, her ponytail swaying with her head movements.

She now sat on his back reading a book on combat techniques along with brushing up on all the notes Izuku had managed to get on their enemies. Her boyfriend had done about a hundred or so pushups and if Cassie were being honest she wasn't sure her added weight posed any kind of challenge for him in the first place.

" Do I weigh anything to you?" Cassie asked, flipping to the next page in Izuku's notebook. A small laugh came from beneath her and once more Cassie found herself blushing. " No not really, you're like a bag of grapes." Todoroki admitted honestly. " But your company is nice." He added after a second as if he knew Cassie was about to ask why she was even still there.

" I hate that I never noticed Aoyama was calling out for help." Cassie whispered to her boyfriend flopping down onto his back from her previous sitting position. Todoroki paused mid pushup holding his body still so the pinkette wouldn't roll off his back.

Several of their classmates were now also in the gym room all doing their own thing but holding a single conversation. " I have faith that Aoyama will come back to us." Izuku whispered, clenching his fists at his sides as he strode towards the weights stacked neatly near the door.

Bakugo scoffed, pausing his sit ups to look at the green haired boy. " Assuming he ain't whammied by some kind of curse." the blonde added his voice surprisingly level and calm. Cassie raised an eyebrow glancing over at him. " Whammied?" she asked, fighting back a chuckle that threatened to bubble up from her throat.

Bakugo rolled his eyes flipping off the pinkette with a low growl and Cassie held up her hands in mock defeat muttering a small " Sorry." the girl tumbled off of Todoroki's back as he sat up turning to his classmates. " I think it'll be fine. Because he has had his sights on the man he wants to be more than any of us." Cassie rubbed the back of her neck letting out a small groan as she sat up scooting next to the dual haired boy who glanced over at her apologetically. " I appreciate you all joining us but I promise I'm okay."

Todoroki smiled softly at his classmates who all seemed to simultaneously sweat drop. " I too have an older brother." Iida tried to offer up but Todoroki cut him off with a look. " Hey, cut it out. There's no reason to compare our families." He glanced down at Cassie who was quietly staring at her hands in silence, it wasn't like she had any family to talk about in the first place now.

" I don't even know Toya's favorite food." The dual haired boy sighed, running a hand through his red and white hair. Bakugo once more piped into the conversation as Kirishima glanced from Mina to the others, the two of them being the only ones to not have spoken yet. " Gotta be piping hot Udon." the blonde shrugged his shoulders and Cassie was quick to note that he was trying to keep the mood light.

Todoroki seemed to realize this as well as he nodded his head smiling at his classmates. " Then I will make him eat it with me when this is all over." the boy declared softly laying his head on top of Cassie's after kissing her forehead lovingly. " We have to get some rest now, the plan begins in the morning." he sighed, ushering his friends out of the gym. 

Cassie nodded her head wrapping her arms around Todoroki's neck nestling her head into the crook of his shoulder. " I won't see you tomorrow because they put me on the team with Ray... so promise me you'll be safe and come back to me alive?" Cassie whispered, fighting back the tears pricking at her eyes.

The boy felt his heart skip a beat and he was quick to grasp Cassie's chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting the pinkette's head up to meet her lips in a passionate kiss. " I promise to come back to you, always." He whispered against her lips while tucking a strand of her hair behind her pointed ear. " When this is all over I will take you on a proper date."

Her smile was so bright that it almost blinded him, and he felt her soft hands on his left wrist for a second. " For tomorrow... I gave everyone in class one as well. A bracelet of flowers, so I can find everyone if something goes wrong." Cassie explained, shyly glancing away her cheeks flushing ever so slightly.

" Nothing will happen. Everyone will be just fine I know it. You trust me right?" Todoroki's eyes locked with hers as she nods her head in acknowledgment. " I always trust you." She hums out feeling less anxious after his reassurance. Slowly she pressed her lips against his once more in a soft gentle kiss. " Nothing bad will happen to us."

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