Lunch time blues

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Cassie sat hunched over her desk, Ray perched on the edge, long legs dangling down kicking back and forth lazily. Both girls sat alone in Cassie's homeroom where the pinkette had decided to hide out after her encounter with Todoroki about half an hour before.

Grasping her smooth wooden chopsticks in her right hand Cassie stabbed violently at the unsuspecting sushi rolls that were snuggly placed inside her school issued bento box. Ray watched from the corner of her eye as she bit into a forkful of steak from the plate that sat balanced precariously on her lap.

" Cassie, seriously please just let me punch him." Ray whined, red eyes squinting down at her best friend pleadingly. Cassie let out an exasperated groan shoving her bento box away and dramatically slamming her face against her desk with a loud thump.

" Nooooo '' Cassie grumbled, lifting her head up again, rubbing her palms against her forehead hissing in pain. " No don't Ray, don't beat up the pretty mean boy from my childhood " She shot a pointed look at the blue haired female who was comically pouting.

Ray sighed, rolling her sharp ruby red eyes playfully before shoving the last of her steak in her mouth promptly followed by the school's silverware. Cassie watched her friend munch on her fork like it was the most normal thing in the world.

To be honest it really was. In a world of quirks, stuff like this was normal, Ray was the main reason the foster system had kicked the two girls out once they were old enough to be left alone, Supposedly fine china was hard to come by nowadays. 

Luckily for them however, Ray's mom Ebony was a core supplier of hero technology and weaponry while also being a terrible mother. So after years of neglect once she had heard the two were on the streets Ebony was quick to supply the girls with a place to stay. Ray told Cassie her mom was trying to " make up for letting bad people do testing on me before I ran away "

Thanks to Ray's mom both girls had gotten their hands on state of the art hero costumed equipt to fit all their needs along with a sick ass house. Cassie looked down below her desk where her costume case sat proudly. It had been delivered to her just a little bit ago and she was waiting for the okay to try it on.

After lunch finished up Cassie had to say goodbye to Ray who gave the pink haired girl a quick hug and booked it out of the classroom to get back to her own. Cassie watched from her seat as the rest of her class began to file in the room a few students at a time.

The last one in was Todoroki Shoto, who glanced over at Cassie before sitting down in his seat across the room. Cassie felt a pang in her chest but ignored the dule haired boy. Aizawa stood behind his desk glaring at his students, effectively getting them to shut up so he could speak.

" Now that everyone is here " he started sounding bored out of his mind. " Go change and meet me on the training field. We're going to run some basic combat matches."

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