Back up Momo

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So warm, the room felt so warm as Cassie and Shoto kissed. His hands tugged at the strands of her hair woven between his fingers, tilting her face up to meet his as the kiss grew heated. His tongue swiped against hers ever so slightly and Cassie parted her lips in response.

Seconds felt like hours and minutes felt like eternities. She had daydreamed about this moment for years and now here she was living out her dreams in real time. Nothing could break them apart now.

A loud cough had Cassie wrenching her body away from the duel haired boy in surprise. Her hands that had been wrapped around his shoulders were now pressed to her wildly beating heart as she gasped for air that filled her lungs with every inhale.

Todoroki looked down at Cassie ignoring the person at the door who had interrupted them. Cassie glanced over his shoulder to see the girl with black hair, Momo? Cassie couldn't really remember anything at that moment.

" M-momo what are you doing here?" Cassie asked, her voice high pitched and nervous. Cassie was pretty sure Momo had a crush on Todoroki, she seemed very interested in him from all the times she had tried to strike up a conversation with him. Shoto never really seemed to care as he would hardly ever answer the poor girl.

Momo looked back and forth between the two of them and finally Todoroki moved away from Cassie, not bothered by the black haired girl who had caught them at all. " Aizawa said Todoroki had been gone for a while and wanted me to go find him." Momo said, pushing her voice to be extra bright and lively.

" But he also told me that you needed to stay here until lunch." Momo added when she noticed Cassie beginning to swing her legs off the bed to stand next to Todoroki, as he had already stood up. Cassie couldn't tell if her classmate was actually concerned about her wellbeing or not.

Cassie narrowed her large green eyes at Momo who just smiled at her reassuringly. " He said I could help you catch up on work when you're all better." Momo strode forward grabbing Todoroki's arm to steer him out of the room, the boy was quick to move away much to the very visible disappointment of the classes vice president.

" I'll do it." the dual haired boy stated while making his way out of the nurses office. Momo seemed to be confused so Todoroki elaborated. " I'll catch her up on what she will miss. So don't show up to teach her Yaoyorozu." His voice was cold and harsh, causing Momo to quickly agree shivering slightly.

That was her Todoroki, Cassie smiled brightly at Momo, waving and bidding her goodbye as she left the pinkette alone in the nurse's office, Todoroki reluctantly trailing behind her. Cassie wasn't stupid she knew what Momo had been trying to do, attempting to get cozy with Todoroki, pulling him away from her so they could't spend time together.

They weren't a couple but that kiss reassured Cassie that the duel haired boy felt the same way about her as she did for him. That was all she needed to feel at ease and content. She had heard the whispers of girls in other classes gushing about Todoroki's good looks and cold, silent personality.

He was one of the most popular guys in the whole of U.A and he didn't even seem to know. Cassie felt like she had truly defied fate by reuniting with him. She had honestly thought he had disappeared after his family stopped coming to the foster care center.

She could still feel the lingering warmth of his hand on her cheek, his thumb on her lips. The heat from his right side mixes with the stinging cold of his left, sending shivers down her spine. Cassie rubbed her exposed arms, lost in thought about what her and Todoroki's relationship would become after that day.

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