Kidnapped by the Lov

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Fire, all around her in every direction as far as her eyes could see were bright blisteringly hot flames. Cassie coughed violently into her elbow, she had been separated from Todoroki and the others and now she was lost.

This was supposed to be a fun night, the class was split up into teams because class 1B had set up a fun haunted forest experience they called the Test of Courage. But now everything was burning and Cassie could feel the plants and trees around her dying.

Someone was talking in her mind and Cassie could vaguely distinguish the voice as Mandalay but she was in too much pain to focus. Her arms were covered in first and second degree burns, her clothing singed, energy reserve almost completely gone.

She had been attacked almost as soon as the fire had started, by a tall man covered in burn scars, his skin held together by what looked to be staples. " Come out come out wherever you are little Fairy.'' a deep foreboding voice calls out from somewhere in the smoke.

Cassie resisted the urge to scream out in a mix of pain, fear and a hint of annoyance. But if she did she would most definitely be caught. Why was she being targeted? What was happening? Nothing made sense. Cassie couldn't make heads or tails of the situation and it was really starting to frustrate her.

A loud boom made Cassie jump, watching in horror as Tokoyami lost control of Dark shadow. Nearby she saw Bakugo and Shoto who was carrying someone on his back yelling something to Dark shadow as he tossed what appeared to be a villain far away. A little less than a few feet from her were an injured Shoji who was carrying Izuku on his back. The only people who looked unharmed were Todoroki and Bakugo.

Cassie stumbled which caught Izuku's attention and he and Shoji were quick to dart to her side. " Fox san what happened to you?'' Izuku called out in worry as Cassie slumped to the ground, her legs finally giving out. She watched Tokoyami regain control of Dark Shadow with the help of Bakugo and Todoroki. Everything was going in slow motion.

" Fox! Fox, can you hear me what happened to you?'' Cassie snapped her head to Izuku, her vision going in and out as her head began to sway. " Fire... caught in the fire... being chased..." Cassie tried to speak but her throat felt like it was coated in ash and everytime she tried her voice was cut off by violent coughing.

Cassie felt her arms slowly cooling off and her gaze lifted to a concerned Todoroki who was using his quirk to cover her burns in a thin layer of ice. " If you hadn't trained with my father you would have died in there." He whispered worriedly, grasping Cassie's hand in his right. The pinkette nodded her head in agreement " Good thing... I chose to intern with him huh?''

" Bakugo can you carry this boy, Cassie can't stand I will have to carry her.'' Bakugo made a noise of protest but picked up the brown haired boy off of Todoroki's back, Cassie couldn't figure out who he was and quickly gave up on trying to identify the boy her boyfriend had been carrying.

Todoroki lifted Cassie gently, placing her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist. The dual haired boy began walking followed by both Soji and a grumpy Bakugo. " Keep talking Cassie, tell us what else happened." Todoroki chided the pinkette trying to keep her awake afraid of what would happen if her eyes closed.

" They were looking for... us?'' Cassie mumbled into Shoto's shoulder not sounding too sure herself what the league of villains wanted. Izuku's eyes widened in fear as he glanced at his companions frantically. " If that's true then what Mandalay heard was right, Fox san please don't go anywhere without us from now on, the villains are trying to take both you and Bakugo." the green haired boy explained but Cassie was a bit distracted by an oncoming column of flame that came shooting at her and Todoroki from the treeline up ahead.

Cassie gasped, muttering an apology to Todoroki before dropping and rolling to the grass a few feet away from Todoroki. She took a deep breath and slammed her hands onto the ground, wincing in pain as she made contact with the earth, summoning a human sized wall of earth to shield her friends from the fire. The only problem was that in one second she could see her friends and her boyfriend reaching out for her screaming at her to duck and the next everything was blank and Cassie could no longer see or hear anything at all.

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