Work study tings

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Several things happened while Cassie and Todoroki kissed. First Cassie's strawberry basket tipped over, spilling her precious berries across the grass. Next the tree they were under went through all four seasons in a matter of seconds before flower petals exploded from the branches raining down on the two.

And for the cherry on top, Mineta ran by screaming at the top of his lungs while Jiro and Mina ran angrily after him shouting something about not peaking in on the woman's changing room.

Cassie was the first to break the kiss, slapping a hand over her mouth to muffle her laughter, even Todoroki had a small grin plastered to his face. After dejectedly picking up her sacrificed strawberries both students made their way back to their classroom.

Once everyone was back inside and sitting at their desks, Aizawa gave Iida a stack of papers which were promptly passed out. The pinkette glanced down at the paper in question scanning over a list of pro hero's in confusion, her eyebrows furrowing slightly.

" If you look up here you will see about how many agencies you have to choose from, typically results would be more spread out but this year our top two stole the spotlight." Cassie glanced over at Todoroki who's name was at the top of the list but he didn't seem very interested.

Scanning over the names she found her's below Iida placing her decently high up on the list. Her eyes dropped down to Midoriya's name frowning when she noted his lack of internship requests. She felt bad for him and made a mental note to try and cheer him up later as she could tell he was rather disappointed.

Before she really had much time to collect her thoughts which were more scrambled than the eggs she had in the cafeteria that morning, the door to the room opened revealing Midnight who taught Modern hero art history.

Cassie zoned out too overwhelmed to focus fully catching snippets of Midnight's lecture about hero names being integral to one's public image. She caught a few of her classmates' chosen names finding Bakugo's particularly interesting and although it was absurd, the hero name fit his personality, shame it was vetoed within seconds.

Eventually Cassie was called up and in a daze she found herself standing at a podium with a small whiteboard clutched between her tanned hands. Cassie glanced down at it in bewilderment unsure if she had even written anything but much to her very evident surprise she had.

In small neat handwriting she had written the words '' The Flowering hero: Ivy " the sound of Midnight clapping enthusiastically snapped Cassie back to reality as she swiveled her head to stare at the woman next to her.

" That's a wonderful name Fox, very fitting. Ivy can be rather unassuming but its resilient and sturdy just like you! " Cassie sweat dropped wondering if she was being complimented or lightly insulted but due to her teacher's enthusiastic tone she took it as the latter.

After everyone had chosen their names and returned to their seats they were told to look over their list of internship requests. Cassie's wide green eyes scanned over the paper on her desk and once she noticed the other students grouping up to chit chat she seized the opportunity to make her way over to her green haired friend.

Midoriya flickered his eyes up to meet hers and he titled his head slightly as if to silently ask her what was up. Cassie smiled and sat on the corner of his desk causing the boy to crane his neck up to maintain eye contact with her.

" Those hero agencies don't know what they're doing. " Cassie crossed her arms over her chest with a small frown to which the boy in front of her returned, dejectedly shaking his head in denial. " They just don't see any potential in me I guess." he offered up, voice quiet and hurt.

The pinkette violently shook her head " Well they're dumb for underestimating you! You've been working so hard it's not fair.'' Cassie pushed onwards not really registering the blush that blossomed across the shy boys freckled face, nor the pointed gaze of a certain someone observing the conversation she was wrapped up in.

After a bit more chatting Cassie hopped off the green haired boys desk " I think we should train together sometime Midoriya, let's show those pro's what they're missing!" The girl pumped her fist in the air to which the boy returned with a bright smile, his mood long since lifted by her pep talk.

If she had been paying close enough attention she would have noticed the subtle cues the green haired boy had been giving her, the way his eyes scanned her face occasionally lingering on her pale pink lips, or the way he leaned his body forward over his desk, as if he were being drawn in towards the elf like girl.

Most of all she would have noticed when he glanced behind her to look over at Todoroki who was watching their conversation quietly from his desk, his heterochromatic eyes narrowing at his freckled friend in a silent warning.

Normally the boy wouldn't be the jealous type but this was different, he had an inkling that Izuku Midoriya saw Cassie as more than just a friend and he knew that Cassie as oblivious as she was, would have no idea.

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