Helping the evacuation

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Cassie took a deep breath of air, quickly growing several long vines which wrapped around a few people that were taking too long to join the others. There wasn't time to just let them naturally migrate to the rest of the civilians. Honestly if it weren't for that lightbomb and the sunlight beating down on her exposed skin Cassie would have been in no better shape than the people who were being evacuated so she could sympathize with their distress of not being able to protect themselves.

She gently pulled them over, guiding them onto a shuttle with several other people giving them a reassuring smile and a promise to keep them safe. That seemed to do the trick as those who had heard her calmed down considerably much to the girl's relief.

Cassie's relief was short lived though as she finally truly got a look at her surroundings. The city was completely destroyed; it would probably take years to build it back even with the help of quirks. These people would never be able to call this place their home again let alone return to visit. There was nothing but empty broken buildings that stood as shells of their former glory.

Todoroki was nowhere in sight nor were Izuku and Bakugo and Cassie was quickly informed that they had gone to draw the villains attention away from the hero's evacuation attempts. Apparently not only had Shigaraki woken up he had become ten times stronger.

The small earthquake she had felt when the giant emerged from the villain's base was not the result of his awakening but the aftermath of Shigaraki testing out his new and possibly improved quirk.

On the plus side the erosion of the city's infrastructure gave way to the land beneath meaning Cassie had more than enough space to use her quirk. After helping Uraraka calm down several people, Cassie made her exit, promising to round up any stragglers she found along the way.

She was hoping to get to Shigaraki before the others and maybe just maybe she could restrain him long enough to get a few questions in. It was a really dumb idea even Cassie knew that, but it was all she had to go on at the moment and at the very least it was keeping her from giving up and calling it a day.

Running as fast as she could, Cassie tore through the empty what used to be streets; she wasn't sure what she was supposed to call them now. Her brain was clouded over with worry and exhaustion. She really wanted to take a long nap when this was all over but she didn't know when that would be.

The pinkette wondered if Todoroki was okay, was he unharmed and safe? Probably not with the fact that he was trying to follow Izuku who was planning to face the worst of the situation head on. Normally Cassie admired his determination, but now both he and her boyfriend as well as anyone in the general area were in danger. Bakugo was there too but Cassie was more than sure that he could handle himself and knew when to back out, not that the other two boys didn't; they were just way more selfless than the blonde was.

She couldn't help but feel that she was too late, it was just this feeling she had in her gut. She spotted the giant who was notably asleep first, it would have been hard to miss him. Next her eyes traveled to Endeavor and her classmates who were staring up at someone Cassie couldn't quite make out.

" So the little fairy came to watch the show? So nice of my dear brother's girlfriend to grace me with her presence once more." There it was again, that goddamn nickname that Cassie hated with a passion. She grit her teeth stepping next to her classmates glancing over at the two Todoroki's who seemed to be processing the man's words.

" What do you mean? Don't talk about my girlfriend." Shoto glared up at the man's heat radiating from his body causing Cassie to nervously side step so her skin wouldn't turn crispy. Izuku moved closer to Cassie as if he too were worried for her safety.

" You're probably very confused but let me spell it out for you so we can speed this up. " Dabi disappeared for a second, obscured by the giant's hand which was still outstretched. He was quick to come back with a plastic water bottle that he promptly poured over his head.

Black hair dye washed out revealing stunning bright white hair. Cassie clapped a hand to her mouth, her mind flitting to the picture of Todoroki's older brother that he had shown her when she had visited his house for the first time. Shit how did she not put two and two together earlier.

The other part of her mind was wondering how cheap the hair dye had to be to wash out so easily and if he had stolen the dye instead of buying it because she really doubted this man had a credit card. Honestly that's probably why the dye was so shitty, he probably didn't have time to get the good kind of dye.

Loud deranged laughter snapped Cassie back to reality as she stared at the disturbing scene that was unfolding before her wide green eyes. " Don't be rude, you're acting like you don't know me." Dabi pouted a wide grin spreading across his face. " Call me Toya."

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