Memory lane 2

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Snow fell down to the ground creating a gentle blanket that lay upon the grass. Cassie once more was outside but this time none of the other children were there to ruin the peaceful silence that she liked to surround herself with.

Ray was still inside, wrapped up in blankets hidden away in the two childrens shared room. Her friend absolutely hated the cold because it made her sleepy, apparently it was due to her quirk being dragon related. Something, something, reptile something, something hibernating, Cassie hadn't really been listening. So here the pinkette was, her tiny body wrapped in a simple quilt in a pitiful attempt to shield herself from the frosty bite of the snow.

Small footprints lead from the front doorstep to the gate that kept the children of the Magnolia foster home from wandering aimlessly into the streets, presumably to stop them from getting hit by a car or getting lost. Shivering uncontrollably, Cassie trudged through the snow pressing onwards towards her ultimate goal which was to reach her tree.

Her place of comfort, somewhere no one else went. Yes the other children would often pass by the tree while playing but they all knew not to enter its shade. That was where Cassie spent most of her time and thus the spot was widely avoided.

Her tree stood tall and proud in the yard of the foster center despite its lack of leaves. It was beautiful and inviting, beckoning the young girl forwards. Her tiny hands were numb by the time she had made it to her safe haven. It didn't matter since she couldn't feel them anymore, the ache now a dull throbbing in the back of her mind.

Sinking down to the ground covered in fluffy light snow, Cassie let out a pained sigh, her lungs felt like they were on fire, her body protesting every subtle movement she made, her joints and bones having long since become numb. Sluggishly Cassie curled up her body in the snow huddled under her quilt unwilling to go back inside.

It was cold outside, so very very cold. Far too cold for an almost criminally underdressed child to be outside unsupervised. Cassie hadn't informed any of the adults watching the children about going outside. She knew that if she did they wouldn't let her go. Not even Ray knew that Cassie had gone outside.

Even if Cassie wanted to go back into the house to sit in front of the boring old fireplace listening to the crackling of flames, which she didn't and now couldn't do, as all the doors were locked from the inside to keep out the snow. Japan was under a severe snowstorm watch, no one was supposed to be outside. Despite all this Cassie was peaceful, happy that she could be one with nature.

She was so happy that she couldn't feel her body slowly succumbing to frostbite, couldn't see her skin turning worryingly pale almost as if she were becoming one with the snow. Not even the normally steady beating of her heart slowing down could rouse her from her bliss. She couldn't have know just how close to death she really was by going outside that day.

She stayed still for about half an hour before her tranquil silence was disturbed. Cassie's head slowly lifted up... her body felt so heavy, blinking away the small bits of frost that clung to her long eyelashes, only to find a pair of stunningly beautiful heterochromatic eyes staring right back at her with concern.

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