Heart been broke so many times

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Shoto glanced at Ray again who was watching their conversation intently, red eyes narrowing at the dule haired boy. " I have come to tell you that I am not here to make friends. I will be the number one pro hero and I do not have time for distractions. "

Cassie's eyes widened as her heart shattered into a million tiny pieces. She had spent so long dreaming about her reunion with Shoto and in none of the copious amounts of scenarios in her head did their meeting ever turn out like this.

For a second Cassie could have sworn she saw sadness in the boy's eyes but it was probably her heart trying to play tricks with her head. Biting her tongue not wanting to cause a scene Cassie nodded her head, her light pink hair bouncing with her head movements.

Shoto nodded as well and from the corner of her eye Cassie thought she saw his hand reach out to her but in a flash he had withdrawn. He backed up a few paces before turning on his heel and walking the other way down the long halls of U.A. That was it, that was all he'd had to say.

Cassie bit her lip trying to figure out what happened but her body had a mind of its own. Almost as if moved by an invisible force Cassie had darted forward grabbing the tall boy's arm, using all her strength to swing the boy back around to face her. Literally all her strength, that boy was fit as hell.

Cassie looked up at the confused boy and tangled her fingers with his, gently squeezing his hand. " That's okay Sho, I will wait as long as it takes. " she reassured the boy although she wasn't sure of what. Shoto seemed taken aback by the females actions as he stood there staring at their intertwined hands.

The pinkette saw the boy's cheeks redden ever so slightly for nothing more than a split second but that was enough for her to know he didn't truly mean what he had said. Even so to respect his wishes Cassie was the one to pull her hand away from his backing up a respectful distance.

Shoto watched the girl carefully as she shot him one more bright smile before she swiftly made her way back to her best friend who was now glaring daggers at the boy in question. Soon enough both girls had disappeared into the dining hall leaving a thoroughly conflicted half and half boy to stand alone in the middle of an empty hallway, his heart hammering wildly in his chest.

Chasing a Memory ( Shoto x Oc )Where stories live. Discover now