Speaking up

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Rain beat down on Cassie as she dashed through the streets alongside Shoto and Iida. Izuku was running from them like his life depended on it and technically it kinda did. So far none of the pinkette's classmates had managed to get through to the green haired boy and they were losing him fast.

Cassie brought her and Todoroki to the roof of a nearby building as directed by IIda, balancing her and her boyfriend on a large chunk of earth that crumbled the second both teens hopped off of it. The duel haired boy worked fast trapping their friend in a massive glacier of ice.

Izuku struggled against the ice looking pleadingly up at Cassie who stared back down at him, her expression unreadable. She wasn't exactly the happiest person at that exact moment so it was taking everything in her not to just throw a heavy piece of earth at the poor green haired boy to knock his stubborn ass out so her and her classmates could transport him back to U.A without further incident.

It certainly would have been far easier than what they were doing now, which was attempting to try and talk the damn idiot into coming back willingly. Cassie knew it was better this way and she truly did want to help her friend in the best way possible but she also really hated being out in the cold ass rain for an extended period of time, which is exactly what she was doing, just standing there waiting.

The pinkette made a mental note of taking a long warm bath when she got back to the dorms, and then right after that she would cuddle up with Todoroki on one of the couches in the Heights Alliance living room.

Todoroki was saying something and when she zoned back in both students were looking at her questioningly, It was a rather comical sight as she noted that yes her boyfriend was giving her this look that said something along the lines of ' aren't you going to say something?' while Izuku had stopped struggling, probably thinking the same thing as Todoroki.

" Oh shit it's my turn?'' Cassie asked and she could faintly hear Izuku let out a little chuckle. Cassie grinned sheepishly jumping off the building onto a vine she had sprouted from the ground perching on the edge so she was eye level with her friend.

He looked so damn tired, the girl observed as she scanned over his face a small frown forming across her lips in distaste. " Hey there Izuku, long time no see." she waved lazily and the green haired boy's expression only grew more confused. He honestly had no idea what was going on at the moment.

" So I read your letter and I'm going to be honest here so at least listen to me before you break out of Todoroki's ice and try to run away again." Cassie paused, taking a deep breath trying to control her emotions that were about to boil over.

" You are being so selfish right now Izuku." The pinkette deadpanned crossing her arms over her chest glaring at the boy who shrunk on her gaze. " You left to protect us really? I mean come on, you think we can't protect ourselves?'' she asked, sounding relatively hurt.

Izuku was once more taken aback; he really didn't expect Cassie to say that to him, everyone else in the class were telling him about how helpful he had been or how much they missed him but Cassie just seemed pissed off.

" I don't know if you know this but we're class 1 fucking A and you know damn well we can handle ourselves, why do you always have to protect us, why can't we protect you for once?'' Cassie asked, growing more upset by the second. " Is it because you think we're weak? Maybe you think we can't do it?''

Izuku began to panic. He was at a loss for words, honestly why did he think they were in danger? His classmates had fought villains, rescued a child from the hands of Overhaul and his mafia like group and stopped the LOV several times. " No that's not, I-'' Cassie's expression changed to a wide grin. " Exactly so just come back and stop being so damn dramatic, you don't have to fight alone anymore Izuku." Cassie ran a hand through her damp pink hair glancing at her boyfriend who looked just as confused as Izuku.

After a bit more chastising Cassie took a breath grinning at her green haired friend. " Okay I'm done you can go back to trying to run. I'm not going to chase after you because I trust my classmates enough to fight their own battles, I know they will catch you one way or the other so I'll see you back at the dorms Izuku." Cassie waved her hand giving him a salut before dropping back to the ground.

Todoroki sighed at his girlfriend's antics, she was always so unpredictable. Shaking his head he watched as Izuku snapped back to his senses and broke out of the ice he was trapped in continuing to run away.

It took some time but eventually the class was able to catch the boy and take him back to the school. As the gate of the UA protective field opened for Izuku and his classmates, throngs of civilians began to rally together demanding the boy be kicked back out.

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