Cassie gets hit with a Memory quirk

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After demanding Ray help Todoroki once she found a place to put Cassie down, the pinkette had resigned to hiding away in one of the civilian med camps to regain her strength. She hugged her best friend goodbye. " Don't you dare die Ray you got it! We pinky promised to start an agency together so you have to come back."

Ray chuckled, patting her best friend's head, ruffling her pink hair affectionately with her long nails. " I know, I'll make sure to bring both myself and your man back in one piece." The dragon winged girl soothed a very distressed Cassie.

Cassie huffed rubbing at her wide green eyes, wiping away the tears running down her rosy cheeks. Ray rolled her eyes playfully pushing Cassie away causing her to chuckle sadly. " Honestly this whole situation is so fucked up, we're students not pros. We shouldn't have to be fighting like this but here we are putting our lives on the line."

The girl's elf-like ears drooped down once her friend was out of sight. How could she in good conscience just sit here while people were potentially dead. She didn't have access to the comms link anymore so she wasn't getting live updates on the situation for all she knew her class could be dead.

She felt guilty just thinking about that possibility, every one of her friends were strong enough to hold their own, she had to have faith in them. On the bright side she was supposedly still helping as she had been left in charge of patrolling the safe camp.

And so that's exactly what she did. Cassie made it a priority to check in on as many people as she could, doing small tasks and boosting the morale of those who needed it.

All the while she made sure to stay in the sunlight to feed her quirks energy levels. She honestly was already starting to feel a lot better, she could probably use her earth manipulation again if she took some sunlight capsules.

From the corner of her eye Cassie saw someone coming up to her, she had seen them at the edge of the camp and they seemed to be a civilian otherwise the previous heroes who were patrolling would have said something to her so Cassie paid them little attention.

In a flash the person was gone and Cassie's body tensed preparing for the worst. She felt eyes on her and soon enough she found her body on the ground. A woman stood over her silhouetted by the sun obscuring her features. Cassie could make out her short hair, and tall spindly frame and more notably of all wide yellow eyes that peered down at her.

" I really didn't want to do this darling, but the boss gave me a task and it's my life on the line if I refuse, I do hope you understand." the woman spoke, her voice was low and sultry almost lulling the pinkette into a false sense of comfort despite the situation she found herself in.

The woman bent down and Cassie finally was able to see her face. " You are quite the interesting girl, very observant. Honestly you've almost caught me multiple times. It's lucky I'm quick or else my cover would have been blown." Cassie's green eyes widened in horror as she began to put the puzzle pieces together little by little.

" It was you..." Cassie whispered fearfully, afraid to look away from the woman who was smiling down at her with an impossibly large smirk. " You're the one who's been watching me since I left the Magnolia house." The pinkette continued as the full weight of the danger she was in finally crashed down upon her.

The woman nodded her head in satisfaction. " Why yes I have here and there. And I have been waiting to meet you for so very long." she cooed, hoisting Cassie to her feet revealing just how much taller than her she was. " Who are you?'' Cassie mumbled subtly glancing around her to see if anyone was nearby, but nobody was it was almost like they had disappeared, like there hadn't been anyone else there in the first place.

" Just someone doing her job, it's been fun watching you grow and evolve and like I said I take no pleasure in doing this... well that's a lie this is all quite fun to be honest." the woman's voice lowered and her grin twisted into a small frown as she observed the scared pinkette.

" Don't worry I'm supposed to kill you but first i'll use you to make sure a certain someone is taken care of."

" I've grown fond of you so i'll tell you in advance, this will hurt." and with that the woman raised her hand, her fingertips glowing an unbearably bright white as she violently shoved them against Cassie's forehead, the woman's long nails scraping against the right side of her cheek and knocking the girl to the ground again. " I pity you really, being a tool for the commission is never fun."

Although she had not been directly injured by the woman it certainly felt like the pinkette had been, Cassie clutched at her head that exploded with white hot pain. It was as if her brain were being set on fire, the girl's vision wavered and as she lost consciousness. She could see the blurry form of the woman sauntering away and vanishing out of sight.

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