Extra 7- Bring your kid to work day

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Shizuka was now about a year old and she was already proving to be a very smart individual. She had somehow managed to start learning to speak early on and Cassie was delighted when her very first words were " Mamma " followed shortly after by " Dada." in the smallest of voices. Her pronunciation was shit, but neither of her parents cared much seeing as she was in fact a baby.

She was also an expert at somehow getting into places she shouldn't, no matter how hard Todoroki and Cassie tried she would always manage to wind up under the bed, inside their cabinets or on their lawn. She somehow even managed to open locked doors and Cassie was baffled as to how she was accomplishing that, Todoroki however was not as phased by this discovery as his wife was apparently.

Both Cassie and Todoroki were quite amused by Shizuka's antics and if Cassie were to be honest she suspected that Ray who was Shizu's babysitter and aunt, had something to do with their daughter's growing need for chaos. Currently little Shizu was with Todoroki in his office while he was doing some paperwork from a recent villain fight. He was also on the phone with Cassie who seemingly was in the middle of chasing an escaped inmate.

" Sho, I'm going to have to call you back, Ray just caught up with the villain and she needs me to provide backup, tell Shizu that mommy loves her please." Cassie huffed into the phone mic and Todoroki chuckled glancing over at the small child who was playing with a plushie of the woman on the phone. " I will, be safe Cassie." the man chided only to be greeted by the quick " got it, hon!" And then a " caught you now, bitch!" From the distracted pinkette. Todoroki took the liberty of hanging up the phone after that.

He put his phone on his desk once more looking back to where Shizu was, or more like where the small child should have been. She was currently not there anymore, Todoroki sighed running a hand through his hair and pushing his chair back as he began to roam his office trying to find his daughter. " Shizuka, where are you hiding?" He called out glancing into a few cabinets but to no results. A cacophony of squeals came from outside his office and Todoroki furrowed his eyebrows in concern.

Swinging his door open he was met with a few of his coworkers crouching down on the ground making loud squealing noises. Todoroki glanced down at his feet only to see little Shizuka sitting in front of his door peering up at him curiously while clutching a poster as well as other merchandise of her mother, in her tiny fists.

" How did you-" Todoroki questioned in confusion, bending down and scooping up the toddler into his arms. He found himself wondering how she had somehow known where all the merch of his wife was in the first place. Cassie was very popular amongst the civilians and other pro hero's for her bubbly demeanor and overall kind nature and thus she had several merch lines and brand collaborations. Todoroki was well aware that several of his hero sidekicks were her fans, some of whom seemed to have small celebrity crushes on her, much to his distaste.

But the real question was how the hell did she even get the merch in the first place, Shizuka knowing where her mothers merch was located was one thing, her actually getting her hands on it was a completely different matter. Todoroki thought back to Cassie explaining Shizuka's possible quirks; she had recently met up with Midorya to try and predict what the small childs quirk would end up being. However she wasn't supposed to have developed hers for another few years, maybe she developed her quirk early?

" Mr.Todoroki sir, is this your daughter?'' one of his coworkers asked excitedly. Todoroki nodded his head absentmindedly trying to return the poster his child had presumably just stolen. " Yes she is, Shizuka you have to return these." the man scolded gently much to Shizuka's evident unhappiness.

Eventually Todoroki was able to hand back the poster as well and everything else his daughter had snatched, and take Shizuka back into his office. He sat the small child in his lap where she promptly proceeded to fall asleep, seemingly tired out from her antics while he went back to doing paperwork.

A couple hours passed before the man's focus was snapped from his work as the door to his office swung open revealing an energetic Cassie. The pinkette practically bounced into the room, dashing over to his desk to give Todoroki a kiss and a small " Hiya Sho." She glanced down at a still sleeping Shizuka, gently running her fingers through her daughter's short hair.

" Was she good today?" Cassie asked quietly as she picked up the child, cradling Shizuka in her arms. Todoroki sighed, turning to face the short woman. " She seems to have begun developing her quirk a little earlier than we expected." Cassie's eyes widened in surprise as a grin broke out across her lips in excitement.

" Really, do you have any idea what it could be?" she asked while hopping on top of Todoroki's desk swinging her legs over the edge so she was tall enough to be eye level with him. " No, not particularly, however I did see vines of ice snaking down the hallways for a brief moment so she might have a combination of our quirks, wasn't that one of the predictions that you and Midorya made?" Todoroki asked, watching as Cassie proceeded to proudly slap a piece of paper down on his desk.

" So you think that's her only quirk, or will she have two like you?'' Cassie pondered in quiet curiosity, putting a finger to her chin and tilting her head. Todoroki shrugged her shoulders standing up from his chair causing it to roll back slightly as he placed his hands on either side of Cassie, effectively caging her to the desk as he towered over her once more.

" I figured we would have to keep a closer eye on her until we can figure out what her quirk is." he whispered, leaning in close to her face, his minty breath fanning out across her lips causing Cassie's cheeks to flush red at how close he was." we might have to put a hold on giving Shizuka a sibling for a little bit." The pinkette blushed an even darker shade of red swatting at the man's shoulder in embarrassment. " Oh my god, Sho stop, don't say things like that at work, and definitely not in front of Shizu!" Cassie gasped as she gently covered Shizuka's ears.

Todoroki nodded his head listening to the pinkette quietly as she made quick, embarrassed complaints which he couldn't help but find rather cute. He moved one of his hands to her cheek rubbing at her soft tanned skin soothingly and once her words had died out leaving the office deadly silent, Todoroki leaned in and gave Cassie a gentle kiss being mindful of a sleeping Shizuka in the pinkette's lap.

" I'm sure your mother and father are very proud of you, you know that right Cassie?" he whispered gently against the woman's reddish tinted lips. Cassie made a noise of acknowledgment, glancing to the side as she spoke. Her voice so quiet that the man in front of her could hardly hear. " I know."

He lifted his hand from her cheek, rubbing his thumb across Cassie's bottom lip lovingly, ever so slightly tugging it down as he brought her face up once more, kissing her once again, this time in a more heated kiss. The two were interrupted by the sounds of Shizuka waking up and both quickly pulled away, Cassie hiding her face in her hands out of embarrassment.

" Todoroki, we woke her up!" Cassie whined comically causing the man to smile running his fingers through her long pink hair affectionately. " Well then we can continue once she falls back asleep." the stoic man teased with a straight face causing his wife to playfully smack his shoulder, a laugh bubbling up from her throat.

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