The hand crusher

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Cassie sat next to Todoroki on his hospital bed compared to her three classmates Cassie was the only one to come out relatively unharmed besides the medical gauze wrapped around her neck and a few bandaids here and there.

This was more than likely due to her staying out of the fight for the most part as she would have only hindered the other three, instead focusing on saving the life of Native a relatively unknown pro hero but a pro hero nonetheless.

Thanks to her quick intervention and administration of basic first aid the hero was out of commission but still alive and technically speaking well, or as well as someone who got stabbed could be Cassie assumed.

The pinkette sighed, feeling guilty for not fighting alongside her classmates, resting her head gently on Todoroki's shoulder while he quietly stared off into space, obviously contemplating something. Cassie wanted to ask what he was thinking about but decided not to, if he wanted to tell her he would and if he didn't she didn't mind much.

" Your hands are scratched up." Todoroki mumbled with a frown bringing one of the girl's small tanned hands closer to his face as if to examine it. Cassie raised an eyebrow wondering where he was going with this.

" Midoriya broke his fingers and Iida seems to have sprained his wrist." Again this was worded like an end all be all statement. " Everyone whom I associate with injures their hands."

Cassie was now even more confused, what exactly was the duel haired boy trying to say. " Um okay and?'' Cassie questioned in an attempt to get the boy beside her to elaborate on his qualms.

" I must be the hand crusher..." Todoroki finished his statement looking down at Cassie, his face completely serious. The other two boys who were also in hospital beds across from Todoroki started to laugh hysterically.

Cassie herself let out a wheeze before noticing Todoroki looked anything but amused by their hysterical guffawing. Clearing her throat Cassie turned to the boy lifting her head from his shoulder grabbing his hand in hers affectionately.

" I don't think that's true at all." Cassie smiled softly up at Todoroki watching his lips curve upwards ever so slightly. " Iida just fell wrong and Izuku's quirk is a bitch to its user, Sorry Izuku." Cassie added, giving the green haired boy a sheepish smile.

Izuku Mioriya blushed, quickly promising that he knew Cassie was only joking, returning her sweet smile with a more awkward and bashful grin. Todoroki stared at the poor boy making him cower back in his bed ever so slightly.

Todoroki made a face quickly scooting Cassie closer to him as if to give the green haired boy a silent warning to back up, or possibly a warning to not take Cassie's general sweet nature as anything but what it actually was, general kindness and nothing more.

Cassie snuggled up against Todoroki as Iida talked about the incident wondering if the situation would be brought up to the public or hidden away from anybody who might doubt the heroes, after all they weren't the ones to defeat Stain.

Cassie found the topic intriguing, soon joining in with Iida to discuss the semantics of their current situation, only to be interrupted by the hospital room door opening to reveal a nurse and a police officer. Not just any officer but the chief of police himself.

Cassie's eyes sparked, she remembered him as he would occasionally visit the foster center to check up on the pinkette about once a month, she always asked why but was never actually given an answer often getting distracted by the toys the Chief of police brought from time to time.

" Mister Tsuragamae!" Cassie gasped, leaping to her feet to greet the man who patted the girl's head fondly in return. " Hello there Miss Fox it is good to see you though perhaps not on the best of terms. " the dog man stated simply.

Cassie nodded her head, she understood what he meant. " Izuku, Iida, Todoroki, this is Mister Tsuragamae, he's the-" she was cut off by two voices one being Izuku who with stars in his eyes exclaimed " The chief of Police " and the other being Todoroki who seemed nonchalant " He's a dog. "

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