Breaking up a fight

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Previously on chasing a memory

The power percentage level on the specially made tag earrings that Ray's mother made her to monitor her quirks energy levels were rapidly rising as the argument grew more heated and Cassie knew if she didn't step in soon someone would end up in Recovery Girl's office and at this rate she wasn't sure who, Todoroki, Ray or herself.




Cassie could also feel the air around her growing colder and honestly she was kinda pissed off now. She hated the cold with a passion and now the whole room was cold, fucking ice quirks were the bane of her existence.

At least from where she was she could still feel the comforting warmth of Todoroki's left side of his body where his heat quirk lay partially dormant. After several more attempts at gaining the two's attention Cassie grew impatient.

" Todoroki put me down." she grumbled as she began once more to squirm in his arms kicking her legs back and forth until the boy finally set her down. Cassie brushed invisible dust off her uniform quickly pushing the two teens away from each other.

" listen if you guys wanna fight do it for training not because of some dumb ass argument. Look, now I have to play the pick me girl. '' Cassie ran a hand through her hair shaking her head in fake disappointment. Maybe if she could get Todoroki and Ray to laugh or in the boy's case smile things would be less tense and they could converse like normal human beings.

Cassie raised her hands to her heart raising her voice an octave higher than normal giving Ray and Shoto a puppy dog face " Guys guys stop fightingggg, please you're better than this, I know you're better than this."

The pinkette turns to her best friend watching a grin cross her lips as she picks up the line where she left off will a smirk. " Jason, Jason look." Ray brought her hand up snapping her fingers twice pouting along with Cassie who snickered seeing how confused Todoroki was.

" My name is not Ja-" Todoroki started but was once again interrupted, now by another classmate who was all too excited to join in. " This isn't you, this isn't the Jason we all know and love Jasoooon~ " Denki the class's resident meme lord piped in and Cassie had to fight back a laugh.

None of the three teens could even finish reciting the whole TigTog audio because they were all doubled over gasping for air and clutching their sides as theys shook with laughter.

Cassie wiped away a few tears that had gathered at the corner of her eyes subtly fist pumping at being able to de escalate the situation. She gave Ray a quick hug to which her friend returned before striking up a conversation with Denki about TigTog and what creators they followed.

Shoto just stood there confused taking a moment to process everything a small frown pressed at his lips. He apologized to Ray for his outburst who reluctantly forgave him, and then made his way over to the hapoy ball of energy that was his girlfriend, well almost girlfriend he hadn't yet decided to ask her out yet, Momo was helping him with preparations for the perfect conference as she liked to call it.

Stepping beside Cassie he looked at the pinkette and the electric boy opting to join the conversation by asking a question he wanted answered. " Cassie, who's this Jason you spoke of?"

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