Someone is watching

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Things had been a little bit hectic lately, with Allmight stepping down and Endeavor taking his place, the media was in a frenzy. Cassie found herself needing more and more time to think whenever she had a moment to spare.

She would disappear into the woods behind U.A just to have a bit of space to breathe. She wasn't sure why but a part of her knew that from here on out things wouldn't get any easier for her and her classmates.

There were rumors that villain activity had spiked dramatically since the incident with the LOV and the public seemed less inclined to support U.A as two of their students had been captured right under their noses.

Cassie perched her body on top of a decently sized rock running her hands through her hair letting out a long sigh. Everyone just needed a break from all this villain shit. Sprawling her body out against the rock Cassie stared up at the sky smiling softly. This was peaceful, she would have to show Todoroki this place some time.

The pinkette quietly watched the clouds in the sky for a few hours until the sun began to set on the horizon, creating a vast painting of beautiful shades of pinks and oranges. Cassie let out a chuckle, this was what the world should be like every day.

Peaceful and tranquil, no fighting villains, no heroes losing their lives on the job. A twig snapped somewhere off to Cassie's left and her body jolted upright as the girl looked around to identify the source of the noise.

Nothing was there, at least not anything Cassie could see. The pinkette bit her lip normally she wouldn't be concerned about little noises like that, after all she was in the woods where many small animals lived so it was easy to pass off the occasional noise, but since entering UA Cassie was quick to find that oftentimes she had to keep her senses sharp lest she let her guard down and end up being attacked.

Cassie sat unmoving staring intently at where the noise had come from but again there was not a single sign of movement, not even the leaves on the trees swaying with the breeze, it was like everything had gone still, frozen in place just waiting for something or someone to break the deathly silence that was enveloping the woods.

The girl quickly realized that she could no longer hear the occasional bird chirp of a nearby bluejay that had been filling her ears periodically throughout her time in the grove. Nothing moved, nothing breathed, nothing spoke, not a single thing.

Cassie's wide green eyes scanned the area one last time before scrambling off the rock she had been sitting on with the intent to make her way very quickly back to her dorm room. As she neared the treeline of the small grove that she had been sitting in Cassie had to slap a hand to her mouth to muffle a scream that tore from her throat.

There at her feet, in a puddle of its own blood was the bluejay that had been keeping the short girl company. Its wings had been ripped off its tiny body and placed neatly at its side. Cassie fought back the bile rising in her throat.

She was supposed to be aware of her surroundings, she should have noticed when the bird went quiet, should have noticed the lack of noise but she had been distracted by the sunset. It was getting darker out and with each passing minute Cassie felt her heart sink a little bit more.

The pinkette used her quirk to bury the bird growing a few flowers over the small mound of dirt she had covered the body in as a makeshift grave. Once she was done Cassie ran, she ran as fast as she could.

An animal hadn't done that it had to have been a person. The wings were removed with pinpoint precision and placed too neatly near the poor bird's body to have been an animal. That meant someone was in the forest with her, someone had been watching her the whole time she was there.

As Cassie ran the forest seemed to come alive, the shrill now defining cries of birds and other animals surrounding her, muddling her senses in a cacophony of noise that only served to further frighten the fleeing girl.

She heard more branches cracking and snapping violently behind her as someone chased after the pinkette who didn't dare to look back; it would have only slowed her down. Her quirk still wasn't much use in the dark but she did what she could to hold her pursuer back.

Cassie used the branches of the trees to snake together and create barriers between her and her assailant, hopefully slowing them down and ensuring her safe escape. If she were only able to reach the school she would be okay.

Cassie screamed as she felt something make a grab for her from behind. From the corner of her eye she could see what Cassie thought to be a silhouetted figures hand but then again she didn't turn to look behind her for any more than a mere moment so she might have been imagining things in her panic.

The Heights Alliance dorm building was in view and Cassie finally felt whatever was chasing her back off once she passed the threshold of the woods seemingly retreating back as if it didn't want to be seen by the pinkette or anyone else.

Cassie burst through the front door and made her way quickly to the living room where she knew a few of her classmates were having a movie marathon. Kaminari paused the tv to look at Cassie in concern. " Fox san your back, is everything okay?'' he asked as the others in the room all made noises of agreement as if they were all asking her the same thing.

Cassie nodded her head quietly as she fought back tears. Her friends had enough on their plates as if they didn't need to worry about her on top of that so she wouldn't tell them what had happened, instead she would tell Ray who was always the first to know when anything happened.

Cassie sunk down onto one of the couches offering her classmates a small smile. " Let's not waste any more time. We have a movie marathon to finish." She gently chided turning the tv back on to distract her classmates and herself. 

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