I'm sorry child

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Previously on Chasing a Memory

In a flash the pinkette took hold of the opportunity to gain the upper hand and so that's exactly what she did. Long, thick roots burst from the ground anchoring the man into a forced kneeling position. Cassie stood above him, anger and sadness radiating off of her body in waves. " And now... now I'll kill you." She whispered, narrowing her eyes in anticipation.




Lucian stopped struggling, he stared up at his daughter with regret, he could feel her tears on his skin and the rage and sorrow she carried. She shouldn't have been given her memory back, she didn't need it to move on in her life.

He felt lost, unsure of what to do, this was all his fault in the first place so shouldn't he be the one to pay the price? If he had just let go of his pride and not let the hero commission control his every move like a pawn on a chess board the woman he loved would still be alive and his daughter would not be threatening his livelihood.

" Cassiea, I know you're upset with me and I know I can never take back what I've done but please don't let anger control your actions." The man looked the pinkette in the eye begging her to hear him out but he knew she was doing everything in her power not to end his existence then and there.

Cassie growled, more angry tears streamed down her flushed cheeks as she furiously tried to rub them away with one hand. " Shut up. You don't get to tell me what to do, not now, not ever." she whispered, voice low and harsh.

Lucian took a deep breath shaking his head sadly. " You don't have to do this Cassiea, think of your future. My life was destroyed after your mother... after she died that night. Once you do this you can't go back." he had to get through to her somehow but he was honestly losing hope.

Cassie seemed to pause and the man took it as a sign to continue. " I won't fight it, I know I deserve it but this isn't your burden to bear." he cautioned using his quirk to make a dagger of light in his hand. Cassie snarled in warning, glaring at the man below her. " Try anything and I will slit your fucking throat you sick bastard. Don't talk like you know me, don't act like you care for anyone other than yourself."

The man took action shoving the girl off of him, watching as she rolled away, landing into a crouch a few feet away. " I am so so sorry child, this... all of this is my fault. I was blinded by greed and now you are made to suffer, but if you kill me you will no longer be a hero."

Cassie rolled her eyes, her tears now dried up. " And say I believe you, why should I let you go?" She asked halfheartedly, losing some of the fire she had before. Lucian brushed his light blonde hair from his face, his golden eyes glinting in the light of the setting sun.

" You don't have to worry about that Cassiea because I will not leave this place." he sighed, moving the distance between the two. Gently the man pulled the girl into his arms hugging his daughter like he had wanted to for so long.

Cassie flinched and was about to shove the man away from her when she stopped, her eyes widening in surprise. She heard it before she felt it, heard how her father's breathing grew labored and shallow. Her elf-like ears drooped down as she realized what had happened. " No! You coward, how dare you!" She shrieked as her father backed away from her.

Once more the girl began to cry but now for a different reason, her tanned hands were slick with dark red blood as she realized that her father had made her stab himself with his own knife. His hand fell from hers, a pained smile on his lips as his body swayed slightly.

" I'm sorry but I couldn't let you shoulder the burden of anything more." He explained, his voice low and strained with each word. " I want you to know Cassiea, that I... I am so very proud of you, you have become such a strong girl and I wish your mother could see you now like I am."

Cassie let out a sob realizing the severity of the situation, only now she could see that her father was truly sorry for what he had done all those years ago. " Wait, wait, stop it, you're not allowed to die! I take it back, I'll turn you in but you can't die." the pinkette whispered quietly while scrambling to the man's side as he fell to the ground.

Lucian smiled up at his daughter who hovered over his body yelling something at him that he was no longer able to hear. With the last of his strength the blonde man lifted his hand placing it on his daughter's cheek wiping away a tear with his thumb as if to comfort her. " You're going to be such a great hero child, far better than I could ever be." His vision began to waver as the world around him grew fuzzy.

It was a quick flash but for a second he thought he saw a glimmering translucent blue silhouette of Natasha kneeling down next to Cassie and he was quick to realize she was reaching her hand out for him with a sad smile on her beautiful face.

Lucian grinned, coughing up blood violently as he vision finally faded to black. " Your mother and I are very proud of you Cassiea." Even with his eyes closed he could see Natasha standing over him and the man finally grasped her hand on his own pulling the woman into his arms as his perspective changed.

He could once more see again but now he was staring down at his daughter as she cried over his body, screaming and hitting his chest with her fists demanding he wake up and take responsibility for what he had done. Natasha stood by his side, her hand still in his as she watched as well.

" I didn't expect you to be so mature about this Lucian." The woman whispered, glancing over at the man with a small smile. Lucian looked at the woman in confusion, his head tilting to the side. " You aren't mad at me?'' Natasha shook her head quietly, taking a second to think of something to say.

" You did what you thought you had too... and besides you were not the one who killed me, despite that I could see into your mind I know you regretted it. I've been watching her this whole time, sometimes she can sense my presence however despite that it was rather lonely, but it's okay now, because I have you back and we can watch our daughter grow together."

The blonde man nodded his head returning the woman's smile pulling her into a tight hug nodding his head. " Yeah, yeah I like that idea Nat." he whispered, finally feeling a sense of happiness inside of his heart after so much time spent in mourning.

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