well that was awkward

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Cassie sat awkwardly in the waiting room for Endeavors hero agency hands folded over her lap fighting the urge to make a break for the door which was conveniently in her direct line of sight.

Across from her sat Todoroki, his heterochromatic eyes burning holes into the poor girl's skull as she shrunk sheepishly in her chair under his watchful gaze. He wasn't angry with Cassie per say, just mildly annoyed that she hadn't bothered to tell him she would be interning with his father.

After quietly explaining why, Cassie finally felt Todoroki's gaze soften and his posture visibly relaxed. The two talked a bit more waiting to be called into the pro's office, soon enough Cassie was looking over at Todoroki who had migrated to the empty space next to her in order to " better communicate"  as the boy had put it.

" I can't believe you asked him that!" Cassie doubled over in her chair wheezing uncontrollably not even feeling self conscious about her laugh in Todoroki's presence. Todoroki's lips twitched in amusement as he watched the pinkette fondly.

" It makes sense that he would be Midoriya's father." Todoroki dead panned trying his best to keep his composure as he noticed the doors to his fathers office open up revealing his assistant.

After Cassie's laughter died down, both students were escorted inside the office and stationed in front of Endeavor's polished oak wood desk. Cassie fidgeted with her fingers staring idly at the ground.

She had not seen Todoroki's dad in forever and she was honestly hoping to never run into him again but she knew that eventually because she was in fact dating his son, she would have to talk to him again. She really hoped that the hero didn't recall their very first meeting, as she didn't leave the best impression.

Todoroki, who seemed to sense Cassie's growing unease, gently brought her closer to his side, intertwining his hand with hers in a silent sign of comfort. Cassie felt awful, here she was terrified of a man she hardly knew whereas for Todoroki, Endeavor had been a constant bother his whole life.

But from what she could tell the duel haired boy was rather calm, or maybe he was just putting on a front for her sake. Cassie took a breath, squaring her shoulders and lifting her head to make eye contact with the number two hero who sat at his desk, hands crossed over his bulky chest.

" Out of all the people you could have chosen why did it have to be this miserable thing?'' Endeavor's voice boomed, laced with what Cassie could only assume was a mix of disgust, annoyance and just a hint of hostility.

Cassie's mouth opened but before she could fire something back at him she was cut off. " Your quirks are incompatible. This girl is too weak to be a part of this family. I advise you to break things off immediately."

The pinkette watched from the corner of her eye as Todoroki tensed up already knowing he was about to start an argument with his dad, but Cassie could fight her own battles he could defend her in his own time.

'' So why am I here then?'' Cassie asked, stepping forward still holding Todoroki's hand for an extra little dose of confidence. She took note of the pro's posture straightening considerably, he wasn't expecting her to talk back apparently.

" I brought you here to warn you-" Cassie rolled her wide green eyes leaning over the man's desk to get closer to him, her pink hair framing her face. " That's bullshit and you know it. " Cassie cut the man off with a low growl.

Endeavor looked genuinely taken aback by her words, Cassie was willing to bet not many people were brave enough to talk back to him and under normal circumstances she would be no different, but he had wounded her pride and she was in fact a very prideful person.

" I interned with you not because of your rank, frankly I could care less if you're the number two pro hero, you possess a quirk I'm weak against so I wanted to build up a resistance." The short girl growled out jabbing her pointer finger at the man's chest.

" If you just wanted to threaten me into leaving your son, then you don't deserve to be a mentor. How dare you use the system provided to young students looking to further their careers for your own personal gain."

Cassie was positive that if Endeavor were to see her standing on her toes just to lean over his desk all element of shock that she had garnered would be thrown out the window. But nonetheless she pressed on revling in the look of pure shock she had conjured from the pro.

Leaning even closer to the man Cassie decided it was about time to wrap things up, as her feet were now barely touching the ground and she could have sworn she heard Todoroki chuckle under his breath.

" So you listen here asshole, Todoroki is his own person. He may be your son but he is not your puppet, you don't get to dictate how he lives and who he spends his time with and you certainly don't get to call me a thing."

She paused, giving the flame hero time to process her words before delivering one final blow.

" Now you're going to do your goddamn job that you signed up for and teach us how to be better hero's because one day when we become pro your going to wish you stayed on my good side.'' Cassie hissed out before backing away from his desk, a smile quickly spreading across her lips.

" Now then I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. My name is Cassie Alderan Fox. It's a pleasure to meet you again." the pinkette bowed politely shooting the hero one last glare to which he chose to ignore.

Hopefully Cassie wouldn't be kicked out for her outburst, she really had to work on handling her temper better before she turned out like a certain classmate of hers whom had a wicked mean streak.

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