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The roof they stood on was slanted, so it was difficult for JJ and Wyatt to share the drain pipe. She was as close to the edge of the roof as she could get. Any further and she would fall.

Wyatt snuck a glance behind her at Kie and Pope, who were frantically waving at them to hurry back to the boat. John B and JJ were able to discreetly watch the officers through a gap in the blinds, ducking back behind the wall every so often.

"Dude, you're stepping on my foot," Wyatt whispered.

"Sorry, hold on." He shifted, making something fall out of his pocket and hit the ground with an audible thump.


The three pressed themselves as further into the wall, hoping, against all odds, not to be seen when the blinds were pulled up.

As soon as Wyatt heard the door close, she turned and climbed down the edge of the building. JJ grabbed whatever he dropped on the way back to the boat, and the crew got the hell away from that motel.

"Well, that was fun," JJ chuckled. "Could've warned us a little sooner."

"We would've, except Pope was on the math team," Kie stated pointedly at the boy in question.

"You were on the math team?"

"The cops took everything like it was a crime scene," Pope repeated what the three had told him.

"Means it probably was a crime scene," Wyatt shrugged as if it were obvious.

"Did you guys find anything?"

JJ sat up from his spot laying on the bench. "Did we find anything? No, I don't think so. Oh, yeah, we did."

He pulled a wad of cash and the gun from his waistband, making Wyatt facepalm in disbelief. The money she didn't care about, but she could tell, the gun was going to cause nothing but trouble.

"What the hell?" Pope stood.

"Dude, what?" Kie asked in disbelief.

"Dude, chill. Come on," JJ felt they were overreacting.

"Why would you take that from a crime scene?" Pope asked.

"It's better than the cops having it, bro."

"Are you serious?" Kie sighed.

"JJ, man, I told you to put it back," Wyatt groaned in mild frustration.

"I'm gonna lose my merit scholarship," Pope said dejectedly.

"Hey, hey, hey," JJ shushed him, holding the barrel of the gun to his lips as he would a finger. "At least you have us, right?"

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