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"Guys, that's the police," JJ announced to the group aboard the HMS Pogue.

John B had started his dive not long ago, but he would run out of air eventually. The crew had to get the police out of the marsh before then.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me," Pope groaned.

"Yep, that's the police."

"Just act frickin' normal," Kie rolled her eyes, leaning back on the bench.

Wyatt wasn't good in situations like this. No matter what JJ said, her lying skills were average, at best. So, before she could stand there, wondering what to do with herself and looking like an idiot for too long, Kie grabbed her wrist and pulled her to sit down next to her.

"Evening officers," Pope greeted as the police boat pulled up next to their own.

The deputy tossed a rope to Pope, who handed it to JJ. "Tie this off."

Deputy Shoupe pulled his sunglasses down off his face. "How you kids doing? You know the marsh is closed?"

A round of 'no's' was Shoupe's answer before JJ awkwardly said, "I didn't know that."

"Why– why is it closed?" Pope asked, just as awkward.

"Well, we're conducting a search out here," Shoupe answered. "Boat went down. Seen anything?"

Wyatt shook her head as both boys said, "no. No boats. No."

Shoupe paused, looking around at the Pogues. "Where's your friend you always hang with? He here?"

"He's working." Kie shrugged before any of her friends could say something stupid.

"Hm," Shoupe thought before hauling himself onto the Pogue. "I'm gonna check your little boat out."

"Yeah, hop aboard," Pope stood to move out of the way. "You wanna check, uh, check her out."

"Thank you." He grabbed the only visible life vest. "You got another one of these?"

"Yeah, yeah."

"Of course," JJ pointed. "It's, uh, it's in the hold."

Kie stood off the bench, out of the way. "Show him."

"Okay," JJ did as told, opening the hold to show Shoupe the other life vest. "Yeah, here we go."

"All right," Shoupe nodded, stepping up onto the stern to look into the water.

"Be careful right there, you don't wanna slip," Pope warned.

Wyatt had to keep from laughing, covering her mouth with her hand as Kie subtly smacked her arm.

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