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Kie, JJ, Wyatt, and Pope joined John B by the window to find that a truck had pulled up to the Château. Wyatt felt a feeling of dread settle in her stomach when she realized the two men stepping out of the car were the ones that shot at her and her friends, and ransacked Ms. Lana's house.

"Guys, guys, is that them?" Kie asked, increasingly worried.

"Shit," Wyatt muttered as a response.

"Is that them?"

"This is suboptimal," Pope whispered to himself.

"Okay, we need to hide, or–" Wyatt cut herself off. "JJ, where's the gun?"

"The gun? Um, I, uh–" he thought, not seeming to remember where he left it.

"Now you don't have the gun, the one time we need the gun?" Kie asked, beginning to tear up as she ran her hands through her hair.

"It was in my backpack, and then I–"

"Your backpack," John B cut JJ off. "On the porch."

"It's on the porch," JJ repeated.

Wyatt was closest to the door, so she hurried to exit the room, only to be yanked back and passed by JJ. She watched him quickly and quietly make his way to the porch, only to stumble back when the teens heard a shout from outside.

"John Routledge!"

"Guys," Kie whimpered.

Wyatt's breathing quickened as she ushered JJ back into the office before shutting the door behind him.

"Come on out, now!" the men continued shouting, muffled once the door was closed.

"Where's the gun?" John B asked JJ, who had returned empty-handed.

"They're on the porch, guys," he responded solemnly.

"Get out here, Routledge!"

"Oh, fuck no," Wyatt muttered, thinking quickly to try and come up with a solution. "We gotta get out of here."

"We gotta leave," Kie agreed. "Guys, window."

John B pointed behind them. "The window. Go, go, go."

Pope rushed over first, straining to open the window, but it wouldn't budge. Wyatt jumped when she heard glass smash in the living room.

"What's– what's happening?" Kie questioned anxiously. "Why is it taking so long?"

"It's painted shut, okay?" JJ snapped back at her.

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