Love at first sight

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3rd person//

Johnny and Dally decided to head out to eat to catch up, since they hadn't spoke in a while.

They went to the dingo, a place where they haven't been very often.

They sat down at an empty table waiting to order.

"So how have you been Johnnycake?"

"Same as always. Could be better. What about you?"

"Not to bad."

The waiter walked over to take their order.

"Hello! What can I get for ya?"

Johnny was taken back from the boys beauty.

"Johnny? Johnnyyyy?? Johnny!"

Dally was trying to get his attention whilst he was just staring at the waiter.

"Oh uh, sorry, I uh, zoned out for a minute. Um I'll take a coke."

"Alright, two cokes, got it. I'll be back with your drinks."

"What the fuck was that about John?"

"I told you I just zoned out!"

"Really? I saw the way you were looking at 'im, you got a crush on the waiter huh?"

"No! No, what makes you say that!?"

"C'mon, you obviously got a thing for the kid. Don't worry I'll help ya out."

Dally says as the waiter comes walking back.

"Hey, my friend thinks you're cute. He wants to go out with you."


"Oh, well, im free at five, if you'd like?"

"Uhm, um, yeah, um that sounds good."

"Great! Now what can I get y'all to eat?"

"We'll both have a burger with fries."


Five rolled around and Johnny waited for the waiter at his house.

The waiter walked out in a black fancy collared shirt, and black jeans.

Johnny was wearing basically the same.

"Hey cutie."


"Ponyboy, just call me Pony."

He says smiling.

"Shall we?"

"We shall."

Johnny and Pony went to a fancy restaurant for their first date.

They talked and talked about anything and everything. By the end of the night, they knew just about everything about each other.

Johnny walked Pony home.

"Thank you handsome."

"For what?"

"Deciding on going to the dingo. I really like you."

"I really like you to."

Pony grabbed the back of Johnnys head and kissed him. It was slow, and meaningful. They pulled away.

"You're a good kisser."

"Really? I've never kissed anyone before."

"Well then you're a natural."

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