Rival Love

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3rd person

Prince Ponyboy, a young man who does not like being a royal. He thinks it's stupid, and that he shouldn't have a kingdom of people worshiping him like he's some God. It makes him uncomfortable. He constantly rebels and disobeys the rules of being a royal.

Prince Johnathan, a young man who takes being a royal very seriously. He obeys the rules of being a royal, and does his royal duties as told. He never rebels, and listens politely.


"Ponyboy, we have some guests from another kingdom visiting in 20 minutes, please, please, be on your best behavior. Just for this one day." King Darryl pleads. He became king once the Curtis' parents died.

"Whatever. I'm not promising anything." Darry sighs.

"At least try to get along with the prince."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Who's coming?"

"The Cades. Prince Johnathan will be with you, while his parents and I chat."

"Do I have to?" Ponyboy whines, hating every part of this.

"Yes. And you must behave. No rude comments about the Prince. Be respectful."

"This is stupid." Pony storms off to his room. Darry sighs and looks at Prince Soda, who just shrugs and walks away.

Meanwhile, Pony is moping in his room. "Stupid kingdom, stupid people, stupid Darry." He mutters. There's a knock on the door. "Come in!" The servant walks in.

"Your majesty." He bows. Pony rolls his eyes. "The king has requested you find your finest suit and wear that for the meeting in 15 minutes."

"Yeah, alright. And stop bowing to me, I hate it."

"Yes your majesty." Pony scoffs. The servant walks out. Pony walks to his closet to find his 'finest' suit. He pulls out an all black suit, with a black button up shirt.

He gets dressed and walks downstairs. Darry looks at him and smiles. "Thank you, Pony."


Suddenly the guards open the doors and the Cades walk in. They walk over to the Curtis', and bow, then they bow.

"Hello, I'm King Darryl, this is Prince Sodapop, and this is Prince Ponyboy." Soda smiles politely, and Pony forces a smile.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Queen Clara, this is King James, and this is Prince Johnathan." Johnathan nods his head. "So, if Johnathan and Pony would like to step out, we can get this started?"

"Of course. Pony, take Johnathan to your room please." Pony put on a fake smile and nodded, before leading the way. Johnathan followed.

"Uh, so, I'm not like, into the whole royal thing, so you don't have to like, act like that around me."

"Are you sure? I mustn't be caught being disrespectful." Pony winced at the formal speaking, though, he did find it kind of hot.

"I mean yeah, but if you want to continue talking to me like that, I wouldn't mind." Pony smirked. Johnathans cheeks flushed.

"Uh, um, yeah, um, ok!"

"So, you're like, big on the royal shit?" He scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah, I kind of have to be. My parents are really pushy about it. Maybe a little bit to much?" Pony gives him a confused look.

"How so?" Johnathan stiffens, then clears his throat.

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