Unusual Love

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3rd person

Johnny Cade, the biggest "loser" in the school. Everyone hates him for some ungodly reason. He's never done anything wrong. He never even talks. Maybe that's why. Because he's so quiet and people think it's odd.

Most people don't talk to him, but one group in particular finds every way to let him know he's not wanted by anyone. Well, all of the group except one person. Ponyboy Curtis.

Everyone loves him. He's praised by everyone for the littlest things. Every girl wants to be with him. He never talks to Johnny like everyone else, but he doesn't know about what his friends do to the poor boy.

He just never notices Johnny because Johnny tries to hide from his group. He takes hallways he knows they don't go down to get to his classes. He uses the bathroom that they don't go near. (Only when he really needs to)

Johnny hurries down the hallway, trying not to be spotted. He makes it to his class and walks in. He heads to the back as usual. Teachers don't even call on him at this point. They know better.

The door opens and everyone starts saying hi, oddly happily. Johnny looks up and realizes why. Ponyboy walked in. 'He doesn't even have this class' Johnny thought. Of course he knows Pony. Everybody does.

"Ah, Mr. Curtis. I forgot your schedule changed." The teacher spoke loudly.

He awkwardly smiles and says, "Yeah, I kinda did to. I walked into my old class a few minutes ago." He rubs the back of his neck.

"That's alright. You only got it changed yesterday, no worries." The teacher smiles.

"So Mrs. Jamie, where's my seat?" He asks.

"Oh, right. Um, the only open seat is right back there, next to Johnny." Mrs. Jamie points to Johnny. Johnny looks down. The whole class starts laughing.

"He has to sit next to the freak!" One girl yells. 'Original' Johnny thought.

"Don't call him that," Pony announces loudly. Everyone shuts up. He smiles and sits next to Johnny. Johnnys cheeks turn red from embarrassment.

Pony rumages through his book bag then sighs. He looks at Johnny and taps his shoulder. Johnny looks over at him.

"Do you uh, have a pencil? I could borrow?" He smiles awkwardly again. Johnny nods and grabs a pencil from the side pouch in his bag then hands it to Pony.

"Thank you." Johnny just nods in response.

The bell rings and Johnny quickly gets up to leave, but Pony catches up to him.

"Hey! Here's your pencil back." He holds the pencil out to Johnny.

"You can keep it."

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm." Pony nods and smiles.

"I'll see you around?"

"Sure..." Johnny hurriedly walks the opposite direction as Pony. He hears Pony and his friends laughing and yelling as he walks down the hall. He rolls his eyes.

After his last period he takes a side door to leave because Ponys group hangs out at the front of the school. Usually. But today they were walking past where Johnny leaves.

"Hey freak!" Johnny freezes. "Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you shithead!"

Johnny looks up. He notices that Pony isn't with them. One of them pushes him into a wall and he falls to the ground.

"Can't you leave me alone ever!" Johnny pleads.

"Shut it faggot!" He kicks Johnny in the stomach, knocking the air out of him. "You should kill yourself!" One screams at him. He's thought about doing that a lot.

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