What Makes Christmas Special

571 14 16

3rd person

Pony and Johnny walked through the frigid air holding bags of presents, as well as eachothers hands. Christmas is Pony's favourite time of year. The gang decided that this year, Christmas was going to be at Soda's house. Luckily, Soda didn't live to far from Pony and Johnny. They opened the door and were immediately greeted by Soda's daughter, Amarie. Soda wanted to name her Lizard, Lizzy for short, but Steve talked him out of it. Thankfully.

"Hey kiddo!" Pony says, dropping the bags and lifting her up.

"Uncle Pony! Uncle Johnny! Guess what?!"

"What?" Johnny asks, excitedly. Amarie always some how made everyone very excited.

"I got to put the star on the tree!"

"That's so cool! Show me!" Pony puts Amarie down and she grabs Johnny's hand. She drags him into the living room to show him the tree. Pony smiles then picks up the bags and brings them into the living room as well. He walks in and sees Amarie and Johnny dancing around, listening to Christmas music. Soda walks into the living room and stands next to Pony. He smiles.

"You should adopt a kid together. You'd make great parents."

"We both agreed on no kids. We love Amarie, but taking care of our own kid would be too much work." Soda nods and goes back to the kitchen to help Darry and Steve finish dinner. Johnny puts Amarie on his shoulders and runs all over the house. Amarie's giggles could be heard throughout the whole house. Pony walks into the kitchen with a smile on his face.

"Hey Pone," Darry says smiling.

"Hey superman. How's dinner going?"

"Good. Do you know when Twobit and Dally are going to get here?"

"Yeah, Dally texted me when I got here. Says they're going to be a bit late because Two wanted to stop at the store and get some extra little presents. They'll be here in like ten minutes."

"Alright thanks little man."

"No problem." Pony walks back into the living room. He sneaks up behind Johnny and lifts him up and spins him around. Johnny laughs.

"Put me down you idiot," he says through giggles. Pony puts him down, and twirls him to face him. He gives him a peck on the lips. Johnny smiles then Amarie sneaks up and steals Johnny's phone and runs off.

"You little-" Johnny runs off chasing her down the hall. The door opens and Two burts in.

"Merry Christmas assholes!"

"Hey Twobitch."

"Watch your mouth dickhead." He puts Pony in a headlock and ruffles his hair.

"Cut it out Two!" Two let's go and laughs.

"Where's Johnny and the little one?"

"She stole his phone and ran off, so he's currently chasing her around the halls. Hey Dal."

"Hey Pony. Where's Soda and Darry?"

"In the kitchen with Steve making dinner. Y'all can just put the gifts under the tree." Dally and Two place the gifts under the tree. Johnny comes running back in and jumps into Pony's arms with his legs wrapped around Pony's waist.

"Help! She's got a weapon!" Amarie comes running in as well with a fake sword. "She's gonna get me Pony!"

"I'll protect you my princess!"

"Oh, thank you my night in shining armor!" Amarie hands Pony another sword and Pony puts Johnny down, then proceeds to have a sword fight with Amarie.

"You'll never get him!"

"Oh yes I will!" Amarie pretends to stab Pony.

"Oh, oh my princess, she got me! I'm dying!" Pony puts his hand backwards over his head and drops to his knees. "In another life my princess- in another life..." He dramatically falls to the ground and pretends to be dead.

"No! Not my night in shining armor! Not the love of my life! Nooooo!!" Johnny drops to his knees dramtically. Amarie then pretends to stab him, and he fake dies next to Pony.

"Good job evil princess! Let's go take down the others too!" Dally picks Amarie up and runs into the kitchen with Twobit. Pony laughs and sits up. Johnny does as well.

"Thank you for trying to protect me night in shining armor."

"Of course your highness." Johnny laughs and Pony stands up, reaching his hand out to help Johnny up. "Shall we princess?" Johnny grabs his hand and stands up.

"We shall." They both laugh and walk into the kitchen where everyone else is. They all talk and eat for a while. They joke about anything and everything.

"Should we go open presents now?"

"Yes!" Amarie hops out of her seat and runs into the living room. Everyone follows and they all sit around the tree. Twobit hands everyone the presents him and Dally got for them first.

"We have one more present that we want all of you to open together." They hand everyone a big box and they all sit around it. Pony opens the box and there's a smaller box. He pulls it out and opens that one, and inside is a card. Pony pulls it out of the envelope and opens it up.

"Oh my god! Are you serious?!" Inside the card it was an invitation to a wedding. Dally and Twobits wedding, to be exact. Two nods. "Congratulations you guys!" They all give Dally and Two a group hug.

"When did this happen?!" Johnny asks.

"A few weeks ago."

"I'm so happy for you guys!"

"Speaking of marriage, when are you and Pony going to get married?" Dally asks. "Y'all have been together way longer than me and Two."

"Someday," Johnny says, smiling at Pony. They all open everyone's presents to eachother. After presents they all sat around the fire and chatted for a while.

"Who wants to go see Christmas lights?" Pony asks.

"Me!" Amarie shouts.

"Alright. Let's go!" Everyone throws on their coats and head out into the frigid air. They walk downtown to the lights. Little do they all know, Johnny has a plan. Johnny drags Pony to the big tree. Everyone follows, of course. Pony stares at it, admiration in his eyes. Johnny pulls out a little box from his coat pocket and gets on one knee. "Isn't it pretty Johnny?" Pony says while turning around. He pauses and his eyes go wide.

"Pony, I have loved you since the day we met. I always knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with you. You're the reason I'm alive right now. You never gave up on me. You saw my worth, and made sure I saw it too. Will you do me the honor of being my husband?" Pony stood there, tears flooding his eyes.

"Yes! Oh my god, yes!" Pony jumps into Johnny's arms. He pulls away and connects their lips. After a few seconds, Pony gets down from Johnny's arms and Johnny puts the ring on his finger. Pony hugs him tight again.

"I'm so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you," Pony says. They had gone home after a little bit of goofing around with the gang. They're laying in bed cuddled up together.

"I am too, my love."

"Promise to never leave me?"


"I love you."

"I love you," Johnny responds while petting Pony's head. Pony slowly falls asleep. Shortly after, Johnny passes out too.

Pony had finally gotten what he'd always dreamt of. A nice house, in a nice bed, cuddled up to his fiancé. And he knew it would never change. Except the fiancé part. Soon, he'll be cuddling up to his husband, like he'd always wanted. He also liked the idea of getting married on Christmas. Not only because it was the day Johnny proposed to him, but it was also the day Johnny had asked him to be his boyfriend. That's what made the proposal so much more special. That's also what makes Christmas so special to him.

He's finally content in life. He needs nothing else now. He has everything he wants and needs.

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