Cure To Love Deprivation

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Johnnys POV

I walk down the street to the DX. I stole some of my parents money to buy food. They never have enough food in the house for me because they only buy food for themselves. I notice some kids messing around with eachother over by the gasoline. Looks like two of 'em work here. They all look to be about my age. I accidentally make eye contact with one of the boys as I'm walking in. He smiles at me. I quickly look away and head inside.

I buy a few things and walk out. The boys are still there messing around. That boy looks at me again. He turns and says something to his friends and starts heading towards me. I start to panick. Normally when people come over to me it's to jump me.

"Hi!" he says to me. I smile and wave. "Not much of a talker?" I shake my head a little. "That's alright. I just wanted to talk to you. You seemed interested in what we were doing earlier."

"Oh, yeah. You guys looked like you were having fun."

"We were. Why don't you come hang out? We don't bite I promise." He grabs my hand and starts to walk to all his friends. "Hey what's your name by the way? Mines Ponyboy." He's pretty. He's got greenish grey eyes and light brown, almost red hair.

"Ponyboy? That's unique. Mine's Johnny."

"Cute." I smile a little. We reach his friends. "Hey y'all. This is Johnny."

"Hey Johnny. I'm Soda." He's handsome. Movie star handsome. He's got dark brown eyes and dark gold hair.

"I'm Steve." He's got blue eyes, and dark hair.

"I'm twobit." He's got blue eyes and light brown hair.

"Normally Dally would be here, but he's in the joint," Pony says to me.

"What for?" I ask.

"Who knows man," Twobit says. Seems like Dally is always in jail.

(Couldn't be closer to the truth)

"He gets out tomorrow though," Steve chimes in.

"How old are you kid? You look younger than Pony, and he's fourteen," Soda remarks.

"Sixteen," I reply, trying not to sound bitchy. I know I look young. It bothers me. So when people mention it, it's hard not to sound bitchy. But he doesn't know that.

"No kidding? Man I thought you were about eleven."

"Yeah, I know."

"Hey, we were about to head back to my house, wanna come?" Pony asked.

"Sure." What better do I have to do? Get my ass beat by my parents? I'll pass. Plus, maybe he'll let me stay the night and I won't have to go home to my asshole parents.

"Great. C'mon Two."

"Y'all go ahead, I'm gonna buy some cigarettes. I'll catch up."

"Alright." Pony and I started walking. I noticed we were walking towards my neighborhood. I didn't realize he lives in the same area as me. We continue walking. The air smelled fresh of rain. It's my favorite smell. It's about eleven am. We turn down my street. I pray that my parents aren't screaming at eachother. As we start to get closer to my house, the sound of faint screaming slowly fades in. Shit.

"Man, that couple is always at eachothers throats. If they have a kid, I feel sorry for 'em." My heart drops.

"They do....And I feel sorry for him too." I mutter. I do feel sorry for myself. I don't deserve this life.

"Do you know him?"

"Yeah. He's me."

"Oh shoot man, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

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