Sweet as Honey

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3rd person//

Pony was scared of his feelings. He always had been. Something about being so vulnerable, made him feel weak. But that's how it was in greaser territory. Showing emotion makes you weak.

And even though Pony was hurting, he had to push it aside, as to not be seen as weak. The only person who seemed to notice that was his best friend. Johnny Cade.

"Hey Pone! What're you up to?"

"Same as usual. Homework."

"Want me to help you?"

"I don't mean to be rude, Johnnycake, but it's math. And you're shit at math."

"I guess that's true. But I can try! What problem are you on?"

"89 ÷ 76 × 33"

"Well, have you done your division steps?"


"Have you figured it out?"


"Alright now times it by 33!"

"Wow, thanks Johnny, I would've never guessed that that was the next step. You're a genius."

He said rolling his eyes.

"I know right. I'm such a mathematical genius. I'm basically Albert Einstein."

"Sure you are."

"Are you almost done? I'm bored."

Johnny complained, dragging out the 'o' in bored.

"Yes, this is the last problem."

"You seem off lately. You ok?"

"I'm fine."

"No one says they're fine, when they're actually ok. What's up?"

"Really Johnny, I'm fine."

"Please just talk to me."

Pony looked over to Johnny, who was hanging upside down off the edge of the bed.

"I'm ok Johnny."

Johnny pouted, then sat up with his legs stretched out, facing Pony.

"Just tell me what's wrong. I wanna help you."

"Johnny, I'm ok, really."

Johnny dramatically fell backwards.

"It hurts my heart that you don't want to talk to me."

He says while putting the back of his hand over his forehead, and pretending to be in distress.

"Fine. I'll talk to you, ya big baby."

Johnny shot up right and smiled.

"Yay! Come sit!"

Pony got up and sat next to Johnny on the bed.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know honestly. I've just been really upset lately."

"Do you think it has to do with your parents?"

"No. It's different than that. Like, I'm sad, but not about them."

"Maybe you're stressed from school?"

"Well obviously, but I don't know what that has to do with me being sad."

"Sometimes stress can lead to being overwhelmed, and then that can lead to depression."

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