It reminds me that it's not so bad.

925 8 12

3rd person

Johnny and Pony have been hanging out almost every day for the past few weeks. Except for today.

Johnny walks to Ponys to see if he's there. He knocks on the door and Darry answers.

"Oh, hey Johnny. Pony isn't here if that's why you're here."

"Do you know where he is?"

"Well, I don't know where he is, but I know he's hanging out with a friend from school."

"Oh alright, thanks Darry."

"You're welcome Johnny."

Johnny walks off the porch and starts heading home.
Johnnys POV

We haven't hung out since that day. I don't know what I did wrong.

I haven't left my room in a while. My dad comes in every once in a while to hurt me. I've been contemplating suicide. I feel like I have no reason to be alive. No one to live for.

I get up and walk out of my room. My dad immediately starts yelling at me.

"You piece of shit mistake! You're mom should've given you up for adoption! I fucking hate you, you stupid bitch! How about you just kill yourself! Then we wouldn't have to put up with you anymore! I hope I find you laying on the ground with blood spilling out of a gunshot in your head!"

I try my best to ignore him and walk out of the house. I reach Ponys house. There's no cars there. Maybe everyone's at work.

I knock and no one answers.

"Johnny, they're not here."

I turn around and see Steve.


"They're not here. They went away for a couple weeks."

"How long are they gonna be gone?"

"They should be home soon."

"Oh....oh alright. Thanks."


"Why are you here?"

"House sitting I guess. Told me to stay here till they got back."

"Oh, alright."

"Hey, um before you leave, Dally came by asking if you've been over here in a while, he's at bucks, you should probably go see him."

"Ok, thanks, bye."


I start to head over to Bucks. As I head over there I see Ponys car.

I wave at him, and he looks away. What did I do? Why does he hate? I contemplate going to his house to ask him, but I don't want to annoy him more than he already his with me.

I knock on bucks door.

"What kid?"

"I'm here to see Dally."


Dally comes walking to the door.

"Johnny, man, what're you doing here?"

"Oh, um, Steve told me you were looking for me earlier."

"Oh yeah, come in."

I follow Dally up the stairs to his room. He shuts the door.

"I haven't heard from you in a while, I was getting worried."


"What do ya mean 'ok'?"

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