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Ponyboys POV

Johnny and I ran through the field and onto the train whilst the conductors were checking the other cars.

We got as close to the wall as possible as they walked by. I let out a sigh of relief.

In case you're wondering what's going on, we're running from the cops. We'll, not necessarily running from them yet.

Just an hour earlier, Johnny and I we're at the park. Darry and I got into an argument and he hit me, so my only reaction was to run and find Johnny.

Once I found him we ran to the park so I could clear my head. But then that stupid blue mustang pulled up. Long story short, Johnny killed Bob, a soc. It was self defense though, they were trying to drown me.

Dally told us to take this train to Windrixville and hide in an abandoned church. I don't think the story is out yet, which is why I said we aren't technically running from the cops.

That's why we are on the train. I look at Johnny messing around with the gun Dal gave us. I feel my eyes get heavier as I drift off to sleep.

As I open my eyes I realize it's light out again. I shake Johnny awake.

"C'mon man, we gotta get off the train."

"Alright alright."

We look around the outside of the car and make a break for it. We run until we can't see the train anymore.

Up ahead we spot some construction workers.

"Well?" Johnny said looking over at me.

"Well what?"

"Well go on, ask 'em. Ask 'em where we are. The story won't be in the paper yet."

"Why don't you go ask 'em?"

"My ankles hurt, 'n I don't wanna walk on 'em."

"What am I gonna say?"

"Just act like a farm boy, taking a walk or something, they'll never know."

"Do I look like a farm boy to you?"

"Just ask 'em...ask 'em where uh.." Johnny pulls out a paper from his pocket. "Where Jay mountain is. Don't worry 'bout it."

"They're gonna know who I am soon as they look at me."

"They're not gonna know." He says, slightly annoyed. "C'mon."

I reluctantly walk over to the workers.

"Could you tell me where Jay mountain is?" I ask as politely as I can.

"Follow this road to that big hill over there. That's it. Taking a walk?"

"Yessir. We're playing army and I'm supposed to report to head quarters there."

I walk back over to Johnny.

"This way."

He follows, as we walk up the road to the hill.

Once we get there we find an opening to climb through. I whack the strings of spiderweb out of the way and climb in. Johnny climbs in after me.

We look around for a place to sleep. I lay down on the cold concrete. Johnny lays on the platform above where I am. I fall asleep shortly after Johnny.

In the morning I wake up with Johnnys Jean jacket that he always wears ontop of me. I look at the door and imagine Darry cooking breakfast. I call for Johnny then look down. I notice writing in the dirt on the ground.

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