Sick And Tired

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3rd person

Pony was walking home after a long exhausting day at school. He had a test in 4 out of 7 of his classes. His track coach made them all run a lot more than they normally do. The stomach ache he had made it ten times worse.

(Please bare with me on this, I have no clue how track works)

And he had a 5 page essay due today. So he was pretty exhausted to say the least. The only thing that kept him going throughout the day was getting to see Johnny when he got home. Johnny never really goes to school.

He walked up the soaked steps onto his porch. It rained earlier that day, so everything was still a little wet. He turned the door nob and walked inside, closing the door behind him. He threw his book bag to the floor with a sigh. He heard steps come trotting into the living room. He smiled as he recognized the steps were Johnnys.

"Pony!" Johnny screeched with excitement. He does this every day.

"Hi my love," Pony said in a loving tone. He adores his lover more than anything in this world. He hugged Johnny and Johnny asks, "How was your day?"

"Exhausting. Can we just go upstairs and cuddle?"

"Mhm!" Johnny smiled and took Pony's hand. They walked up to the bedroom they shared. A while back when Johnny turned 18 and was no longer in his parents control, Darry let him move in with them. Soda moved back to his old room since Johnny would be there for Pony when he had nightmares.

Johnny sat with his back slightly propped up on the headboard with Pony in his lap. Johnny stroked Pony's head while they watched T.V.

"Do you want to talk about your bad day?" Johnny asks in a soft, sweet tone.

"Mmm, it wasn't that bad. Just exhausting. I had tests in 4 classes, a 5 page essay, and my track coach made us run more than usual."

"How'd you do on your tests?"

"Hopefully good, or Darry'll have my head."

"I'm sure you did just fine."

"Why don't you go to school?"

"It's just a lot to deal with. I'm really jumpy and people don't tend to like me a whole lot." 

"Mm. I really want you to be able to get a good job though."

"Don't worry about me baby. Just focus on graduating high-school." Johnny kissed the top of his head. "I'm so so proud of you, you know that?"

"You are?"

"Absolutely." Pony smiled and sat up. He turned around to face Johnny. He put his hands on Johnny's shoulders and pressed their lips together. Johnny put his hands on Pony's waist pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. The kiss went on for at least five minutes. They pulled away and stared into eachothers eyes.

"Why do you love me?" Pony questions out of nowhere.

"Why wouldn't I? Look at you Pone. You're gorgeous, you're caring, funny, kind, the list goes on. Anybody would be lucky to have you."

"I love you."

"I love you." They both smiled and Pony layed his head on Johnny's shoulder. Johnny rubbed circles into his back.

"I don't feel good."

"How so love?"

Pony quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. Distant vomiting could be heard. Johnny ran to the bathroom to see Pony huddled over the toilet puking his guts out. He walked over and put his hand on Pony's back.

"It's alright. You're ok..."

Pony finished puking and Johnny helped him to their bed. He layed him down and grabbed a thermometer.

"103. You're running a fever. You did feel kind of hot earlier. Did you feel sick earlier?"

"A little I guess."

"Mm. I'm gonna go pick up some medicine for you. I'll be right back." Before Johnny could even take a step, Pony grabbed his arm.

"Please don't leave."

"I have to get you medici-"

"Please?" Johnny sighed and sat back down. He stroked Pony's head.

"Ok. I'll stay. I'll just have Darry get some when he comes home. Can I at least get you some tea from the kitchen?"

"Can I come?"

"It would be better if you stayed in bed, but I guess you can come." Johnny stood up and walked out, Pony following behind. Pony wrapped his arms around Johnny and pressed his body against Johnny's. Johnny poured the hot tea into a mug.

"You gotta let go so we can go back to our room honey."

"Fine." They both headed back into their room and Pony layed down. Johnny put the hot mug on the bedside table and layed next to Pony. Pony threw one of his legs over Johnny's body and layed his head on his chest. He was halfway ontop of Johnny.

He fell asleep moments later. Johnny chuckled and kissed his forehead. He fell asleep shortly after Pony.

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