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Johnny's POV

I walked into the doors of the restaurant, needing some time alone. My parents were fighting again. I got seated by this pretty lady with beautiful red hair.

As I sat and waited for my server, I dwelled about my parents. Wondering why I bother with love if it never lasts.

My thoughts were interrupted by the waiter. God, was he gorgeous.

"I'm Ponyboy, I'll be your server today, what can I get started for you today?"

"Oh uh, a Pepsi please."

"Wonderful choice, Pepsi's my favorite. I'll get that right out to ya." He walked off.

My mind immediately went to how beautiful he was. Gorgeous green eyes that sparkled, auburn hair that glistened in the light. But I knew it wouldn't last. So I pushed those thoughts aside.

He came back with my Pepsi. "Here you are," he said putting it down, "Now, are you ready to order?"

"Yes, could I have the chicken bacon ranch club?"

"Of course, and what on the side?"

"Fries please."

"Alright, that'll be out as soon as possible."

"Thank you."

"Of course," he said with a bright smile and a wink. I started fantasizing about him.

"No, he was just being polite, nothing serious at all," I warned myself.

20 minutes later he came back with my food.

"Alright and here's that for ya. Anything else I can get you?"

"Your number."

"Oh, wow."

"I'm so sorry, it slipped out, oh my god." I burried my face in my hands, embarrassed.

"Here," he said sliding a napkin with his number on it toward me, "Call me later yeah? My shift ends at five."

"Yeah, of course." He walked away.

After I ate and payed the bill up front, I headed home. When I got home I layed on my bed, phone out and ready to dial his number in, but I was hesitating. What if things went horribly wrong?

The clock hit five and I did it. I dialed his number and clicked the green phone icon. It ringed for a few seconds the he picked up.

"Uh, hey."

"Oh, it's the cute guy from the restaurant."

"Uhhh, yeah." He chuckled when I sounded hesitant to agree.

"Are you doing anything right now?"

"No, why?"

"Wanna come over to mine?"

"You're not gonna kill me? Make me become the next huge missing persons case?"

"No, unless......I'm just kidding. I won't kill you or whatever," he said with a laugh.

"Alright, send me your address and I'll be there."

"Got ya." He hung up and texted me his address. I quickly got my shoes on, and checked my hair in the mirror.

(Pipe down Charlie Spring)

I got to his house and he opened the door before I could knock.

"Come on in," he said gesturing me in with his hand. I followed him into his living room and sat on the couch with him. After an hour of watching a movie, we ended up tangled together.

"Can you believe it?"

"Believe what?"

"That we just met and are already so in love."

"I've always believed in love at first sight," he said with a slight smile.

A few weeks of dating later, and we had a favorite spot. It was by the lake.

We were sitting there by the water, and he put his arm around me for the first time. He made a rebel of a careless man's careful son.

Months later and we were takin on the world together. There was a drawer of my things at his place.

"Hey Johnny?"

"Yes my love?"

"Why are you always so guarded?" I sighed.

"My parents relationship never really worked out." He walked over to me and hugged me.

"We'll never make your parents mistakes."

A year later we moved in together. But things weren't going too well. We had bills to pay, and we had nothin figured out. But when it was hard to take, this is what I thought about.

When we were sitting there by the water and he put his arm around me for this first time. He made a rebel of a careless man's careful son. He is the best thing, that's ever been mine.

"Ugh, I can't with you!" I ran out, crying and he followed me out into the street. I braced myself for the goodbyes, cause that's all I ever knew. Then he took me by surprise.

"I'll never leave you alone. I remember how we felt sitting by the water, and everytime I look at you, it's like the first time. I fell in love with a careless man's careful son. He is the best thing that's ever been mine."

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