Heartless Love

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3rd person//

Dally was walking to the Curtis' house after a party at bucks. He left it early because to many girls were trying to get on him. He slammed open the door to see the Curtis Brothers aren't downstairs, only twobit.

"Hey Dal."

"Hey. Where's Darry and 'em?"

"Ah, Pony and Johnny are asleep upstairs, Darry is working late I assume, and Soda and Steve are hanging out at Steves place. Why are you back so early?"

"To many broads all over me. Got annoying. Shouldn't you be home right now?"

"Probably. I was told to stay here by Soda to watch over Pony and Johnny until Darry got home though, so I'm here. Probably shoulda let my mom know."

"That would've been a good idea. You don't use your head much huh?"

"Not really. Man the only thing I do is drink and watch a childrens cartoon, so what would I be using my head for anyway?"

"Not much I guess." Dally layed on the floor next to twobit.

"God I'm exhausted."

"To much drinking?"

"To much talking man. Those broads don't know how to stop."

"You can go to sleep you know."

"Nah, I'll stay up and talk to you till you leave."

"Wow, how generous of you to not leave me lonely."

"Yeah whatever. Whatcha been up to? I feel like we don't talk enough."

"Nothing really. You?"

"Same as always. Partying, getting in trouble with the fuzz."

"Sounds about right. I guess we don't really hang out do we?"

"Not really. Why? Do you want to hang out more?"

"We could if you want."

"I guess we can." Two layed down next to Dally. He looked at Dal and Dal looked at him.

"What would we do?"

"I don't know. Go to a movie. Maybe out to lunch or something."

"Sounds an awful lot like a date. You trying to go on a date with me?"

"What?! No! No."

"The Dallas Winston, wants to go on a date with me? Little old me?"

"Shut up! That's not what I meant." Two sits up and puts a hand over his chest facing Dally, with a fake shocked face.

"I can't believe Dallas Winston the big scary juvenile delinquent wants to go out with me!" Dally just sighed, laughing a little after.

"Are you gonna hold doors open for me to? Kiss my hand when you greet me? Call me babe? Man I can't wait. I'll put on my sparkly red dress and my black high heels, with some makeup to!" Dally laughs and two joins in laughing to.

"You know what, if me going out with you will let me see you in a dress and makeup, then I'll gladly go out with you."

"What if we go out and I just don't wear a dress and makeup? Would you cancel our date?"

"Hmmm, probably not."

"So you're saying you would willingly go on a date with me?"

"Did I say that?"


"Then I guess so." Dally smiles at him. Two looks at him with a confused smile.

"Do you want to go out with me?"

"Maybe. Depends. Will I have to pay?" Two smiles and lays back down next to him.

"I don't know man. Ladys never pay."

"Well then, I guess it's a date."


"Our hangout, at the movies and dinner. It's a date."


"Really." Two smiles widely and grabs Dallys hand. They look at eachother and dal grabs Twos face, caressing his cheek with his thumb. Dal pulls him into a kiss. Two kisses back after a couple seconds of suprise. They pull away and look at eachother in the eyes. Dally stands up, pulling to up as well. He lays down on the couch and pulls two on top of him. He starts playing with his hair.

"So, how long?"


"How long have you had this crush on me?"

"Mmm, few months maybe..."

Dal just nods.

"Goodnight Keith."

"Goodnight Dally."

In the morning Dal was awaken by laughing. Dally noticed someone on his chest and looked down, then realized it was Two. He was freaked out, then remembered the conversation from last night and just smiled. He looked over to see the rest of the gang.

"Twobit huh? God that's a shocker. I always thought that if you were to get into a relationship with one of the gang, it would be Johnny."

"Nah-uh. Johnnys mine."

"Yeah, I'm Ponys. Wait what?"

"Shhhh you heard nothing." Pony put his finger over Johnnys lips then laughed.

"Two. Wake up. We've got company." He shook two a bit. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Hmm? Company?..." He looked over to see the rest of the gang.

"Shit!" He quickly got off Dally.

"Hey y'all...."

"It's fine two. We don't care. If we cared we wouldn't let Johnny and pony see eachother anymore."

"Yeah! Wait what do you mean by that?"

"Y'all are so obviously gay for eachother, it's crazy."

"We are not!"

"We kinda are pony..."

"Well....yeah a little."

"Point is. We don't care. We're just shocked you chose Dallas."

"I am to man. Can't believe he chose me out of anyone. Man he coulda had that cute soc girl who's friends with the hot tempered red head."

"Marcia and Cherry Valance."

"Yeah, those girls."

"Anyways, I gotta get home, before my mom calls the cops. Bye y'all."

"Aye! Don't forget our date tonight, my lady."

"How could I forget? I'll be sure to wear my sparkly red dress just for you." He flipped his nonexistent long hair, and blew a kiss to Dally then walked out.

"Y'all are definitely gonna have a good relationship."

"I sure hope so."

Should I make a part 2 about their date?

Also sorry this chapter was so late, I was watching people eat those mushrooms that look like noodles that are drenched in sauce.

And sorry this chapter is so short. I'm so tired.

OH ANOTHER THING. Im probably not gonna be updating for a couple days, cause I'm going down to Idaho to visit my Nana, her boyfriend, my uncle, and my friends, so I'm gonna be extremely busy, meaning I'm gonna be to tired at the end of the day to publish.

However, I will try and write what I can.

Also do y'all like the title? Get it? Bc Dally is heartless? But also in love?

Alright I'll shut up.


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