Lovers to Strangers

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Johnnys POV//

I had always longed for love. Longed for the feeling of someone needing me. Longed to know what it's like to not just be loved. But be liked. Because love and like are two different things.

You can love someone, but not like them at all.

And maybe that seems desperate. But that's just how I am.

And then I saw him. All it took was one glimpse into his world, for mine to be a revolving door of him.

"Come on Johnny, just talk to him!"

"No! What if he thinks I'm weird!?"

"You'll never know until you try. Now go!"

"Fine, but if I get rejected and start crying, it's your fault!"


I walked over to the boy on the bench, who seemed to be reading.

"Um, hi!"

He looked up from his book with a look of confusion on his face.


"I was um, wondering if you'd want to hang out? I thought you were cute and wanted to talk a little bit."

"Oh, um, sure! Come sit! What's your name?"

"Johnny! Yours?"


I sat down on the bench next to him, and we talked. We talked for a while.

"Would you like to go on a date sometime?"

"Sure, here's my address."

He ripped a piece of paper from his notebook he had next to him and wrote it down.

"Thank you! How about tomorrow? Five?"

"Sure sweetheart."

"Oh- ok, great...great see you tomorrow!"

And I quickly walked away, back to Dal and Tim.

"So how'd it go?"

"We have a date tomorrow!"

"Awesome man! Proud of you!"

"Thanks Dal."

The next day I picked him up from his house.

His brother I assumed, answered the door.


"Hi! I'm here for Pony?"

"Pony get down here, there's someone at the door for you!"

Pony came running down the stairs, looking kind of worried.

"Thanks Darry, we're gonna go hang out for a bit ill be home before ten."

"You better."

And Pony and me walked to the park.

"Are you ok pone?"

"Yeah! Great!"


The date went great. I offered to walk Pony home, but he said it was best if not. So we went our separate ways.

I walked into the house to see Dal and his boyfriend on the couch.

"Hey John, how'd the date go?"


"That's good to hear."

I went upstairs and went to bed.

We went on more dates over the course of a month, and made it official.

Everything was great. We loved eachother. And I had finally got the love I longed for.

After our last date, I walked him home, he finally let me.

When we reached his house, he seemed rushy to get inside.

I grabbed his hand to calm him. I put my other hand on his face and kissed him.

He quickly pushed me away.

"Johnny, leave please."




And I walked home. I never understood why he did that. The next day I got a call.


"We're done."

It was Pony.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm breaking up with you. I don't love you. I moved on."


And then he hung up. I never got clarification as to what I did wrong. I never heard from him again.

I haven't gotten over him.

Could you come back please? And just love me a little longer?

I don't need much. Just give my hand a squeeze kiss my forehead.

Could you please come back just for a second?

Just love me in this instance. I just want to remember a little better. I just want to make sure I don't forget.

I think we're soulmates in another life. We would meet in the right place at the right time and grow old together.

I think I breathed you to deeply. My lungs couldn't  forgotten you.

To describe you is like trying to imagine a color. Then I realized.

Some things are just too beautiful to make sense of.

In my head I play out the lives we could have led, if you had just stayed.

Time stretches between us, and to me, that is so much worse than distance.

There is nothing I wouldn't do to have you back. 

Instead of sleeping I'm trying to find the words to explain how the world looks without you in it.

I know it's time for me to let you go.

I won't forget the precious moments we shared. Or the way I loved you. I won't forget your smile or comforting laugh. My heart will always cherish the love we once had.

And I meant every word I spoke to you. You truly did mean the world to me. I hope you know that you still do.

So I will continue to remember you, even though you're gone.

I will continue to love you, even though I'm making the choice of letting you go.

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