The Way I Am

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Johnnys POV

Pony, Darry, and Soda, are out on a camping trip. Darry said it'll be good for them, because they get to bond like they used to before their parents died.

I miss Pony a lot. They've been gone for a week already. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified.

I have no way of making sure they're all ok. I can't stop thinking of all the possible bad situations.

Nobody's been around, just me, here alone. I haven't really done anything but lay in bed. Of course I eat, and go to the bathroom and stuff, but other than that, I just lay in bed all day.

They should be home tonight though. Or earlier, depending on how long the drive takes. I just have to hope there's no traffic.

I hear a car door slam, and I immediately get up and run out the door.


I run up to him and jump in his arms, making him drop his stuff. He laughs.

"Hey Johnnycake."

He hugs back. After a few minutes we let go.

We head inside and he puts his stuff away.

"How was your time alone?"




"Anything interesting happen?"


"What did you do?"

"Lay in bed."


"I was worried about you guys."

"Well at least you know we're safe now."


"Are you doing ok?"

"Mhm, why?"

"You seem off."

"I'm fine."


He looks at me with a questioning face.

"I'm fine Pony. Really."

"Yeah, you said that a while ago, but remember how it turned out?"

He's talking about my breakdown. A while ago, a couple weeks after he started trying to help me, I had a breakdown from the emotions building up.

But I am doing ok. Really ok, actually.

I grab his hands and smile at him.

"Pony, I'm ok. Just getting rid of the leftover nerves."

He smiles at me.

"Alright Johnnycake, if you say so."

"Boys! Dinner is ready!"


We walk downstairs and eat dinner. We all sit in the living room and hangout.

"I've gotta go home guys."

"Are you sure Johnny?"

"I haven't been home in weeks, eventually they'll end up realizing."

"Im sure they won't. They're probably to fucking drunk to even remember they have a kid."

"Not worth the risk. They could kill me for fucks sake."

I stand up and head to the door.

"I'll see you later Pone. Bye y'all."

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