The Wedding

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3rd person

Pony was pacing back and forth with a notepad and pen in his hand. He was anxious about getting the wedding just right. But let's be honest, did we expect anything less from Ponyboy Curtis?

"Pony, hun, stop pacing. You're making me dizzy." Pony stopped and looked at Johnny.

"Sorry. I didn't realize I was pacing."

"Why are you pacing so much anyway?"

"None of the flower shops I called have the flowers for our wedding. None! Can you believe that! What kind of flower shop doesn't have Lilacs?!"

"Babydoll, it's fine. We can find a different flower."

"But no other flower will go with the venue colours!"

"I'm sure there are other purple flowers."

"But they won't be lilac purple!

"Babydoll, sit down. Let's just cuddle and watch a movie. You need a break from wedding planning, it's all you've been doing the past two weeks."

"Pincushions! Those will work for the wedding!" Pony hurried off to his phone to call more flower shops.

"Or not..." Johnny sighed. He got up and walked upstairs to their room. He wrapped his arms around Pony's waist from behind and rested his head on his shoulder while he was talking on the phone.

"Yes! Thank you! How many?" Pony put the phone onto his chest for a second. "Honey, how many flowers do you think we need?"

"How big is the venue?"

"You're right." He put the phone back to his ear. "Will two hundred work?" Johnny's eyes widened. "Oh perfect! Thank you so much!"

"Don't you think two hundred is a lot?"

"Do you know nothing about weddings?"

"Well I've never been married before so, no."

"Neither have I. Yet somehow I know more than you."

"Can we hang out for a bit?"

"I can't. I need to call some places to order the chairs and tables and what not." Pony turned around and put his hand on Johnny's chest. "Maybe later?"

Johnny fake smiled. "Sure."

"I love you."

"I love you." Pony dialed some numbers and started talking on the phone again. Johnny walked out of the room and down the stairs to watch TV. He couldn't stop thinking about earlier. Why was Pony so obsessed with having everything be perfect? He just couldn't understand. Pony came skipping down the stairs and ran over to the couch, sitting on Johnny's lap facing him.

"We should go out to that new restaurant that opened for dinner."

"New restaurant?"

"Yes! It's French and it's called Belle salle à manger. It means lovely dining." Did I forget to mention that Pony is French?

"I still have yet to know where your accent went."

"I moved here when I was five. I grew up around Americans. It kind of washed out of me after a while."

"Makes sense."

"At least you still have a bit of an Italian accent. I like it."

"Well I like when you speak French. Your accent is still there when you speak French." Pony smiled and kissed Johnny on the nose. "Do you think you could take a break from wedding planning tomorrow?"

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