Foreign Love pt.2

627 11 43

3rd person


"Maybe we can cover them with makeup?"

"That won't work. It'll wash off in my sleep and she'll see them when she wakes me up." Johnny sighs. "She's never gonna let me see you again after this..."

"Yo, Darry. You gotta whisk?"

"Uh, yeah, I think so. Why?" Dally stands up and goes to the kitchen. He comes back seconds later with the whisk.

"Whisk your neck. It works, trust me."

"How do I whisk my neck?"

"Like, rub it. Here I'll show you." He rubs the whisk in circular motions on Johnny's neck. "Just like that. And then put cold water on it."

"Here, let's go to my room and I'll help you." Pony says. Pony motions for Johnny to follow. He does.

Johnny sits on the bed and Pony sits criss cross next to him facing him, helping rub the whisk on his neck. Then he puts a cold towel on it for a few minutes.

"It kind of worked. I think you can play it off as a burn or something. Like you were cooking and itched your neck while holding a hot spoon."

"That's probably not gonna work, but it's worth a try."

"So...when do you have to go home?"

"I don't know. She'll call me when she wants me home."

"So do you think we have some time?"

"Yeah. Probably a few more hours."



"Maybe we could add some more 'burns' where she won't see them..." Pony pushes Johnny onto the bed and crawls ontop of him, running his hands down Johnnys tan stomach.

"Sounds like a good plan..." Johnny smirks.


"Fanculo, Pony... fermare...." Johnny says, breathy.

(Fuck, Pony...stop...)

"Why? Are you ok?"

"My phones going off..." He pants picking his phone off the side table.

"Ciao mamma." He tries to level his heavy breathing.

"Ciao Johnny. Hai intenzione di tornare a casa o rimani un'altra notte?"

(Hi Johnny. Are you planning on coming home or are you staying another night?)

"Penso che rimarrò un'altra notte se va bene."

(I think I'm gonna stay another night if that's ok.)

"Ok, va bene. Perché sembri così senza fiato?"

(Ok, that's fine. Why do you sound so out of breath?)

"Pony ed io giochiamo a combattere."

(Pony and I were play fighting.)

"Ok, piccola. Divertiti, ti amo."

(Ok, baby. Have fun, I love you.)

"Ti amo anch'io, mamma."

(I love you too, mom.)

Johnny hangs up and puts the phone down. Pony pouts. "Do you have to go already?"

"No, my mom is letting me stay another night."

"Good. We can go back to what we were doing then..." Pony continues to kiss all over Johnny's neck.

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