Love After Pain

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Johnnys POV

I've always been hated. Especially by my parents. They hit me, yell at me, throw slurs at me, slander me. Every insulting word you can think of, they've called me.

My other family doesn't even talk to us. I don't know who my grandparents are at all. Any friends I've made just ended up slandering me to everyone behind my back. Except one. Dallas Winston.

He's not the best person, but he is to me. He treats me like a brother. He loves me. I'm the only thing he loves. He couldn't ever live without me.

(He didn't 💀)

He has other friends, a gang, but I refuse to meet them, because most of Dallys friends that I have met, are assholes. I've met one member of the gang, Twobit Matthews. His real name is Keith. He's not that bad.

"C'mon Johnnycake, they aren't like my other friends, they're nice. Plus, I think you'll get along with Pony really well."

Ponyboy Curtis. The one member of the gang that Dally keeps pestering me about. He's apparently not like every other greaser. Dally says he's smart, reads a lot, likes movies and sunsets, and pays attention to the small things.


"Please?" Dally saying please? He must really want this.

"Fine. But if they're anything like your other friends, I'm never talking to you again."

"We both know that's not true. I'm your only friend. Now let's go, they're waiting." I sigh and follow. We reach the house and Dally just walks in. I follow, not knowing what to do.

"Aye guys! I brought Johnny!" Everyone comes flooding into the living room. Dally points to a boy with golden hair, blue eyes, and a sharp jawline. "That's Sodapop Curtis." Soda waves.

He then points to a boy with dark hair and blue eyes. "Steve Randle, Sodas best friend." He does a little head nod.

"You already know Twobit, and that's Darryl Curtis, Pony and Sodas big brother. We call him Darry." He also had dark hair, but green eyes.

"Where's Pony?" Everyone looks around, noticing he's not here.

"Ponyboy Micheal Curtis!" Darry yells. I hear footsteps come running down the stairs. I look over and see him. He has beautiful greenish gray eyes, and auburn hair.

"Yes?" Darry points to me. He looks over at me, and just stares for a minute. Darry snaps in his face. "Earth to Pony."

He shakes his head. "Sorry, hi, uh..."

"Johnny." I answer.

"Johnny, nice to meet you I'm-"

"Ponyboy. I know." I smile. "Dally talks about you a lot."

"He does?"

"Yeah. Keeps telling me how much we would get along." He smiles.

"Well, sorry I came down so late, I was doing homework."

"That's alright."

"So, how long have you known Dally?"

"About a year now, I think."

"Really? Weird that we're just now meeting."

"Yeah, I uh, kinda refused  everytime he asked..."

"Oh, why?"

"I've met his other friends, that's why."

"That makes a lot of sense." I laugh and so does he. Dally nudges my shoulder and gives me a look.

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