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Ponyboys POV

Johnny walks into my room, presumably to bug me about reading all the time. He says "Those books take his attention" whatever that means. He lays on the bed, silent. After a few minutes I look over to him.

"You just gonna lay there?"


"Well you walked in and layed down without saying a word." I look back at my book.


"So sleep."

"Not tired."

I look up from my book at the wall infront of me, with a confused look. I look over at him again.

"But you said you were."

"I am."

"But- what?"


"You're tired, but you're not tired?"

"Mhm." He looks over at me, and smiles.

"Alright." I put a bookmark in my book and stand up. I stretch for a minute before turning to Johnny. I grab his hand and pull him up. He whines at me.

"Stoooop." He tries to pull his hand away, but I grip harder.

"C'mon, we're going for a walk."


"Because I said so." He resigns and let's me drag him. We walk down the stairs and out the door. I let go once we're a few steps away from the house.

"Why are we going for a walk anyway?"

"Because, you're not tired, you're bored. Figured a walk would help."

"Walks are even more boring though."

"How 'bout we go find Dally. Do somethin' with him."


After a while of walking we find him messing with some broads. Nothing new. We walk over and the broads leave.

"Hey Dal."

"Hey Johnny, Pony. Watcha need?"

"Johnnys bored, so we came to hang out with you." He looks at Johnny who rolls his eyes.

"He don't look to happy."

"He's not. I dragged him here."

"Literally. Like he actually grabbed my hand and dragged me." Johnny looks at me, upset.

"Don't look at me like that."

"Or what?" I glare at him, then grab his hand and start running.

"No Pony stop! I hate running! Asshole!" I run back to Dally, Johnny still dragging behind. I let go and he leans on the light pole, catching his breathe. "Not everyone is-" He pauses breathing heavily. "Is a track runner like you Pony."

"Maybe you should be. You wouldn't get bored anymore."


"Aye, it's getting dark, let's head to the drive in." Dally says, walking towards the drive in. We follow.

Once we get there we sit behind some pretty ladies. One a redhead, the other brunette. The redhead seems awfully upset. And Dally was about to make it worse.

He keeps nagging her about her red hair, stuff like that. Johnny gets up to get a coke. Dally follows shortly after. After they leave the redhead turns around to me.

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