Training Session-Chapter 3

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It was around 1:55 so I decided to get moving to go to my training session with Huey. He wanted to do it at the park. I don't know why but I do not understand this man at all. I just know he is a cold hearted heartless nigga. A asshole for that matter.

He had on some joggers with a t-shirt I mean it is hot outside so it would make sense. I arrive to our destination and placed down my phone and stuff. He was doing some yoga shit.

Huey: Hello.

Y/N: The hell is you doing.

Huey: Meditating. Something you need

Y/N: well how you do it.

It's impressive how he staying on one leg without shaking. He then stopped and grab my arm. Damn a little aggressive ain't it. We was on a mat he held me by my waist and trying to make sure I was balanced. It feels weird when a man touching me like this.

Huey: Relax.

Y/N: You tryna fuck?

Huey: What? Lift your leg up

Y/N: I can't I'm not flexible.

Huey: Well you gonna have to learn

He grab my leg lifting it up. Ooo that felt good I wonder when was the last time I had an massage. I felt his breathing on my hair so satisfying and relaxing.

Huey: How it feels?

Y/N: Like I needed it. Very relaxing

Huey: I told you. Get on the ground and arch

Y/N: What!?

Huey: Just trust me damn

I did what he asked me to do and he was in front of me. This is a very weird position. But I like positions I felt his hands on my back and it was like he was fixing every bone in my body it just felt so good.

Huey: When the last time you had an massage?

Y/N: I don't know it been a while.

Huey: Oh well this was just a warm up to help you.

He helped me up and then he went to his bag and took out some sticks. The hell? He gave me one and started pointing it at me as defensive or some shit.

Huey: So. This is a broom stick.

Y/N: A broom stick?

Huey: You not ready for a katana yet

Y/N: HUH!?

He started spinning it around while walking around me in a circle.

Huey: The most thing when doing this is staying focus. The movements and again the surroundings.

He hit my leg with it and I jumped. It didn't hurt but damn

Huey: your body is tensing up it feels some type of way.

Y/N: Yeah offended by that broom stick.

Huey: yeah now fight me with it.

Y/N: Huh

Huey: I'm not repeating myself.

Y/N: I hold onto my stick tightly and he was just staring at me I'm guessing waiting for me to make a move.

I tried to hit him with it but he dodged it quick as hell. How he does that?

Huey: Slow pokes are for snails.

Y/N: Don't do that!

Huey: Show me everything Luke taught you.

He grabbed my stick and placed the sticks down somewhere.

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