Waves Of Pleasure -Chapter 22

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Y/N's pov

I seen the door opened and felt my heart started to pound thinking it was Huey but nope. It was Kai, I guess I'm happy.

Kai: Hey

Y/N: Hey..

Kai: Damn, not excited to see me?

Y/N: No, no I am just you know been working on this case and stuff.

Kai: Are you sure you don't need my help for it?

Y/N: No, I'm good me and Huey got it.

Kai: Oh ok

Y/N: Speaking of Huey, have you seen him?

Kai:..Nope not at all why?

Y/N: I needed him to print these papers out but he left before I gotten the chance to ask him.

Kai: Oh, want me to do it?

Y/N: Nah, it's ok I got it.

Kai: Well anyways

He grabbed me by my waist pulling me closer to him. Uhmmmm ok? I mean we dated before I don't know why I feel uncomfortable.

Kai: I was thinking, maybe I can come over tonight. Watch some Netflix and chill maybe make our own movie~?

Y/N: Ohhh you mean today?

Kai: I mean can I take your virginity I was supposed to when we was together but you know.. I-

Y/N: Messed up yeah I know. But uhm

Kai: If you not ready that's fine to..I don't wanna rush this relationship or us.

Y/N: Yeah I know.

Kai: Then plus you still a virgin right?

Y/N: Not reallyyy but

Kai: Oh, who you gave it to?

Y/N: ....I was-

Before I could answer Huey came back in and then looked at us and scowled. I mean thank you so I wouldn't have to answer this question.

Huey: Am I interrupting something?

Kai: Uh, YEAH

He made eye contact with Kai and his scowled went deeper than before. Oh my god Kai shush don't piss him off. Huey fully opened the door and leaned against it crossing his arms.

Huey: Oh I'm sorry I wasn't directly talking to you but, continue.

Y/N: UHM NO, no continuing. We was just talking that was all that was.

Kai: Yeah could've gotten further maybe if you never came in.

Huey: I can go and y'all can continue

Kai: No I got places to be.

Huey: Well then, I suggest you keep your mouth shut and get going. Pretty sure Melissa is waiting.

As soon as Huey said that Kai clenched his teeth and then turned back to me and kissed my cheek and left. That's all he does and I was watching his reaction this whole time could him and Melissa got something going on? But for some reason it doesn't bothers me. Huey slammed the door as soon Kai exited and faced me raising an eyebrow.

Huey: What?

Y/N: You what..

Huey: You the one who stared at me I just happened to catch you.

Y/N: Where did you go!?

Huey: What do you mean exactly?

Y/N: Earlier. After the phone call you just left and didn't tell me where you was going!

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