Just Wait For Me-Chapter 39

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Huey's pov

It was 11:00, I mean maybe a long drive but she was only supposed to stay there till 10. Hold onnnnnn. Late night, No calls, no texts- not even an I love you gif or pictures....oh hell nah. I grabbed my car keys and got in my car. I headed to agency first. I can't just pull up on Mr Long residence that'll be too suspicious I just know my baby been kidnapped even tho we not dating yet. That's not the point I needed to let boss know I swear on my left toe if he does anything I'm going to murder his old ass and that white heffa.

When I arrived to the agency I rushed inside and ran my way to his office. I just don't understand why the hell his office so far. I seen Kai walking pass and he called my name I turned to look at him with an raised eyebrow.

Huey: What

Kai: Is everything okay?

Huey: No, fuck everything is not okay.

Kai: What's going on?

Huey: Is Boss here?

Kai: He just left a few minutes ago to go on a date.

Huey: Fuck!!!!!!

Kai: What's going on.

Huey: Y/N been kidnapped.

Kai: Oh my goodness.

Huey: I need to speak to him.

Kai: Whatever you do don't show up there until you got backup.

Huey: I know I would be spotted to easily. Damn listen I don't like you at all.

Kai: I know-

Huey: Shut up. But I need you to help me.

Kai: But Y/N didn't want me involved-

Huey: Didn't I told you to shut up

Kai: Yes sir-

Huey: I know what she told you but I need you to help me get her back.

Kai: We can start tomorrow-

Huey: No fuck tomorrow. Doesn't matter how long it'll take to get her back we need to plan everything out now.

Kai: What would I get in return?

Huey: If you help me I'll let you blow her back out for only one time.

Kai: Really?

Huey: No nigga.

Kai: Bruh-

Huey: I don't know but that's not important we need to figure out something. I need you to hack into his system you is an computer hacker.

Kai: ...Fine what you gonna do?

Huey: I don't know imma try to keep getting into contact with her if I can. Everytime I call her it's goes straight to voicemail.

Kai: I'm sure Long turned off any services for her to not get in contact with anyone.

Huey: Damn...Ike...IKE where's IKE!?

Kai: He still in the lab testing out some stuff you can catch up to him before he close up for the night.

Huey: Alright text me if you find anything.

Kai: But you blocked me-

Huey: Im gonna unblock you damn just get moving. Who knows what he'll do to her.

Kai: Yes sir.

I started making my way to the lab room to speak to him. He may knows what's in those drugs. I hope she's okay she must be scared. I swear I'm gonna get her back with all I got.

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